33 | Most Beautiful Reality

307 24 69

Choi Iseul

"And you know what? So are you."

He said in a voice which I had never heard from him before. It was so soft, so gentle, so... loving.

I dared to look into his eyes, instantly coming to face the softness in them. His gaze was just as loving as his voice was, and he looked at me with a small smile.

Realisation dawned upon me as I replayed his words in my head. Surely it couldn't be... he couldn't possibly mean...

"Just as pretty as white flowers in this field, resilient but still beautiful as ever. You look so delicate, so fragile from afar but yet hold a strength which is so admirable that I can't help but be pulled your way." He said, his hand still caressing mine. I felt my breath hitch in my throat as his eyes met mine once again. He didn't look away once, still somehow managing to have that ever so kind smile on his face.

"I like you, Choi Iseul. Everything from your smile to your silly attempts at jokes, the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh, the way you always refuse to give up. I like every single thing that makes you you. I don't know how it happened, but I fell for you, and I know I'd be willing to do anything if it brings a smile on your face."

He was smiling, but I didn't miss the slight hesitancy behind those eyes of his.

It was when I felt his thumb against my cheek that I realised that I was crying.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, wiping away my tear. "I didn't mean to make you cry."

I shook my head, my heart so full of emotion that I couldn't form any words. This had to be a dream.

Lee Minho liked me. He liked me.

I took in a trembling breath, tightly shutting my eyes as I let the realisation of what he just said sink in.

And then it came.

The immense wave of happiness which wouldn't make the flow of my tears stop. It was as if a warm, comforting glow was spreading in the darkness that my heart was engulfed in just moments ago.

Minho looked at me with concerned filled eyes, one of his hands holding my face and the other caressing my hand.

"If I had known you would cry this much, then I wouldn't have even thought about forcing my feelin-"

His words were cut off immediately as I pushed myself forward and pressed my lips against his.

Even when all he did was being honest with his feelings, he was the one who was apologising. Why was he so nice? What did I ever do to deserve him?

A strong wave of pure love and adoration washed over me as I grabbed his collar to kiss him. His entire body was frozen for a moment, but in a few moments he relaxed and I could feel his arms around my waist. His soft lips soon began moving against mine, and it felt like the ground slipped from beneath my feet, rasing a strange but comforting sensation in the pit of my stomach.

The only thing I could think of in that moment was that it felt magical.

However, the magical moment didn't last as long as I would've wanted it to.

I kept my eyes shut as we leaned our foreheads against each other. I could feel a stupidly wide smile forming on my lips, but I was sure he was no different.

"Iseul, you-" He began in a tiny whisper.

"I like you too." I interrupted him. "You might've appeared to be annoying for prying into my life in the beginning, but somehow you just knew what to do or say to make my mind at ease. Everything that you've done for me and all the times you were there I needed you the most..." My voice trailed off and I felt another tear slipping- one that he caught yet again.

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