Chapter 2

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Much to the surprise of both Caleb and Evelyn, Hunter ended up sleeping through the night, despite the fact that he had gone to bed so early. Evelyn was beginning to worry about just how late Philip had been letting him stay up. A few late nights while away was fine, it was a special occasion, but when he came back this exhausted? Evelyn wasn't all too pleased.

She supposed it did at least give an excuse for Hunter's sudden onset of strange behaviour. He was probably so quick to leave Philip's because he was exhausted and wanted to get home and go to bed. The reason he was quiet during the car ride home was most likely because he was too tired to speak. The poor kid was probably half asleep by that point, he had certainly looked it at the very least.

But now that he had a good fourteen or so hours of sleep behind him, it became just a tad bit harder to apply that excuse when he continued to behave strangely.

For one, when he emerged from his room to come eat breakfast, hair stuck to his face and cheeks flushed, Evelyn noticed just how... out of it he looked.

Caleb waved him over to the table and pulled out a seat for him. "Morning! Looks like someone slept well." He chuckled.

Hunter just gave him a vague nod as he sat down at the table, Flapjack tucked securely under his arm.

On any normal day, he'd usually be chatting up a storm: explaining whatever he'd read about in his books last night, listing off some bird facts from his seemingly endless supply of them, or simply just rambling about whatever else came to mind, and then Caleb and Evelyn would have to tell him to slow down so he didn't end up choking on his food and they'd all laugh.

Breakfast was usually lively and loud.

Today it was silent.

Even once the remaining effects of sleep had worn off and he'd begun to seem more awake, he still didn't talk. He didn't even talk when Caleb requested a bird fact, only giving him a weak shrug in response. He simply sat there, poking at his food as it flopped miserably around his plate while Caleb and Evelyn exchanged nervous glance after nervous glance.

Breakfast was almost eerie without the constant presence of childish chatter to brighten the mood.

Hunter just seemed so distant, his already minimal movements slowing to a stop as his eyes glazed over and he stared blankly at the table in front of him.

All Caleb and Evelyn could do was watch.

And for the remainder of the day, he was much the same. With a faraway look, he wandered around the house like a ghost, often disappearing into his room to sit in the corner and stare at the carpet.

Just wanting to see Hunter at least somewhat like his usual self, Caleb offered to take him to the park, even suggesting they get ice cream if Hunter could win a race against him on the monkey bars but Hunter declined and, yet again, gave the excuse that he was too tired.

Neither Caleb nor Evelyn believed he could still possibly be tired after how long he'd slept for the previous night.

It was also greatly concerning that Hunter had turned down a visit to the park. He always loved going to the park! Their garden wasn't all that big (and a bit overgrown, it was due for some weeding round about now. Evelyn made a note to herself to fix it that would probably go ignored by her future self) and they maintained a strict no cartwheels, handstands, or other gymnastics inside the house after one too many breakages. Going to the park gave Hunter the space to run around wild and cartwheel to his heart's content (and no cleaning up shattered glass!)

Just like any other kid, he loved going to the park to run and play for a few hours with his dad who he loved to challenge to races and all sorts of other games he could come up with. He'd always come home bragging about how he was so fast that Dad had no chance to catch up to him! And Caleb would laugh along and give Evelyn a wink. 

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