Chapter 2: I'm in Big Trouble

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Meeting Yok has left me deeply unsettled. The shock of seeing someone who bears an uncanny resemblance to my Akk, as if he's alive and breathing, has shaken me to the core. But that's impossible, right? We laid Akk to rest six years ago. I vividly remember the funeral, the tears shed by his family and friends. So who is Yok to Akk? Could he be a twin? I've never heard any mention of Akk having a brother, let alone a twin. Akk was the only child of a humble couple from the Fishing village who achieved great success through a scholarship at Suppalo. The pressures and hardships he endured during his time there were immense, leading to the tragic end. My head aches as I contemplate the possibilities, desperately trying to convince myself that Yok is not Akk, despite their striking resemblance. It's unnerving to discover that Yok even shares Akk's preference for root beer.

While getting Yok's and my food, I took out my cell phone and called Khan, who happened to be on his lunch break. I wasted no time and asked him, "Khan, does Akk have a brother? A twin, perhaps?" Khan sounded perplexed by the question, replying, "No, not that I know of. We grew up together. Why do you ask?" I followed up, wondering if there were any relatives who resembled Akk so closely. Each time, the answer was a resounding no. I debated whether to mention Yok to Khan but decided I needed more information first. Perhaps we could discuss it when we meet on Thursday. "Nothing important. How's your first day going?" I asked, diverting the conversation. Khan eagerly launched into a rant about the challenges he faced dealing with unruly students. His animated voice brought a smile to my face, momentarily distracting me from the enigma I was facing. Could doppelgangers really exist? I made a mental note to research the topic later and gather more information about Yok.


Ayan is an incredibly intriguing individual. Not only is he strikingly handsome, but he also possesses the ability to engage in conversations on a wide range of topics. After he handed me my food, we began talking as I ate. Though he still displays some hesitations or perhaps a hint of awkwardness towards me, he nevertheless answers my questions and poses his own. We've delved into various subjects, including politics, arts, and literature. I discovered that he graduated almost a year ago but took time to contemplate his career path before jumping into work. He inquired about my background, prompting me to ask if he was familiar with the ROL gang. While he admitted to having read about it, he confessed that he didn't pay much attention at the time due to personal difficulties. I wanted to dig deeper, but it became evident that he was intentionally avoiding that topic. Instead, he asked me to share more about my time with the gang. I described it as a group driven by strong advocacy and a hunger for change. I cherished my time with ROL, but a few years ago, I made the decision to prioritize caring for my aging and ailing mother. Ayan suddenly asked if I had any siblings, to which I responded with a no. His expression grew contemplative afterward.

I must confess, I am truly captivated by my new assistant. The wistful gazes he casts when he believes I'm not looking, his gentle and contemplative demeanor, and the hidden fire that burns behind his chocolate brown eyes whenever we touch on subjects he feels strongly about—topics he still hesitates to openly express his feelings on. I yearn to get to know him better, to understand his thoughts about me and whether he still views me as the same person as the one he clearly longs for.

The opportunity arose sooner than anticipated the next day as I was finishing work. I spotted him standing near a white car with the hood raised, engaged in a conversation with someone. My motorcycle was parked on the other side of the parking lot, so I casually approached him and asked, "Car troubles?" Clearly surprised by my presence, he nodded and pointed at his phone. He assured the person on the other end of the call not to worry and that he would simply take a taxi home. Once the call ended, he explained that his car unexpectedly wouldn't start, attributing it to a battery issue. The mechanic said he could come later to retrieve the car. "Well, my friend who was supposed to give me a ride got called back to work, so I think I'll just take a taxi home," he said. I offered to give him a ride on my motorcycle, which he eyed with suspicion, prompting me to laugh. "Aye, I'm actually a pretty skilled rider, you know? Are you afraid of motorcycles?" Indignantly, he replied with a firm "no" and accepted my offer. "Here, put on this helmet."

As we embarked on the ride, I could sense Ayan's hesitation to wrap his arms around my waist, he was holding onto my shoulders instead. "Aye, you're going to fall off! Hold onto me properly," I exclaimed, guiding his hands to my waist as I laughed. I picked up speed, and to my surprise, he tightened his hold. It worked, I thought to myself. It's been so long since I felt this warmth. Ever since the disastrous episode with Dan, I've steered clear of serious commitments, opting instead for one-night stands and emotionless affairs. It's been years, and I almost forgot how wonderful it feels to have someone embrace me. That realization gave me pause. Wait, what? Am I actually considering getting entangled with Ayan? I am in big trouble.

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