Chapter 9: New Beginnings

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Ayan's confession has left me a little stunned. I wasn't expecting him to admit tol easily that he does feel something for me. With a wide grin I couldn't suppress, I reached out my hand to touch Aye's arm and said "Aye look at me, please. Like I told you, I'm relentless. Knowing you also feel something for me is more than enough. So I have a little competition, I'll take the challenge. In no time, I'm pretty sure I'll start taking over a lot more space in your heart too. I really don't mind".

With tears of relief flowing down his beautiful face, Ayan finally looked at me with hope shining in his eyes and a smile that could light up the whole damn building. I finally stood up and hugged him tight. He looked up to me and I leaned down to finally capture the lips I've been wanting to kiss so badly ever since I entered the freaking door. What started as a slow kiss of comfort, reaasurance and warmth, grew hot and heavy too fast.

Backing Ayan on the counter and deepening the kiss, I felt like my whole body had been lit up. Is this what they call magic? I've never had this much desire in my system as I do now. I feel like I could combust. The taste of Ayan's cherry lips is so intoxicating that in no time, tongue touching tongue, deeply tasting each other like two very parched people finally stumbling upon water. I can't get enough of Ayan and he tugs my head down further using his hand as if telling me that our proximity is still not enough and he wanted more. Deepening the kiss further, we kissed each other until our lunch couldn't take it anymore and we have to come up for air.

I found myself tugging at Ayan's shirt opening up the buttons clumsily, craving to touch bare skin. He reciprocated by pushing me for a bit to pull my shirt over my head. It's like both of us are on fire and we are each other's water. Touching each other all over, sucking and leaving marks on each other's necks and collarbones and eventually Ayan suckles my nipples and I cannot help the intense moan leaving my mouth. I am burning and briefly the thought crosses my mind that  I am terribly mistaken, because Ayan is not going to be putting out the fire but he will be kindling it, igniting it. Ayan is the gasoline that will make the fire in me rage into an all consuming inferno.


Lost in the flood of emotions with the feel and taste of Yok invading my senses, I found myself leading both of us into my bedroom. In the dim light I could see the slightly hooded and desire glazed look in Yok's eyes. He is the most gorgeous person in the entire universe. I pushed him slightly to make him fall into the bed and immediately followed him, capturing his very tender and deliciously sinful lips. I could feel him smile before coming back into the heated dance of lips and tongues. Hands hungry for skin to skin contact, roaming each other's face and body, touching the places that longs to be caressed. I kissed and sucked at each tattoo that I could find in Yok's arms and body, earning satisfied whines and groans of approval.

Pants and underwear eventually came off. Kisses and touches now moving down the waist, the sensitive parts of my hip bones, my hip and thigh tattoo receiving the much needed attention from Yok as he licks and sucks on it. Thighs are caressed and eventually Yok touched my already erect manhood. I almost lost it as he moved his hands in the perfect rhythm. I reached out to the side table to take out the condoms and the lubricant and ask.. "Yok can I?". Perfectly understanding what I meant,  he nodded and so I proceeded to cover my hands with the clear liquid and prepared him by caressing his thigh and manhood with my left hand and lips leaving a trail of suckling kisses, as my right hand slowly worked up to open up his bottom.

Finally satisfied and taking cue from the whining and moans from Yok, I wore the condoms and finally started to insert myself slowly making sure to stop for a moment, giving him time to adjust to my size. When Yok finally whispered go on, I finally drove in and out of him at a speed that left both of us breathless and exhilarated until we both reached our peak at almost the same time.

It was the most beautiful feeling in the world. It was the most achingly perfect orgasm that left me so exhausted and so very satisfied that I grinned like a cat that just ate the cake and looking at Yok's silly expression, closed eyes but megawatt smile, he must have felt the same.

After cleaning up and settling down on my bed with me lying on Yok's arm with my hands on his chest and one of my leg on his hip I looked at his beautiful face and told him "Yok that was perfect". He kissed my forehead and whispered "No baby, YOU ARE PERFECT" and with a smile on my lips I drifted off to sleep.

For the first time in years, I slept peacefully with nothing but sweet dreams of Yok. Instead of the painful memory of Akk's passing, that has been my constant companion for the last six years.

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