Chapter 6: They Met Him too

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As I entered the small bar where our group usually gathers on Thursdays, my footsteps felt heavy. Yesterday's events and my conversation with Yok today had left me emotionally drained. Thua and Khan were already seated in our usual spot, holding hands and flirting with each other. Who would believe these two have been together for six years already they way they still are so into each other.

"Hey Aye!" Khan greeted me as I approached the table, and Thua gave me a friendly nudge on the shoulder. "Where are the others?" I asked. Khan grinned and replied, "Wat and Namo should be arriving together. Namo convinced Wat to give him a ride again." Since Khan was facing the door, he added, "Speaking of the devils..."

Wat and Namo joined us, and we ordered food and drinks. As usual, conversation flowed freely thanks to Khan, Wat, and Namo, while Thua and I mostly listened quietly, occasionally nodding and responding when necessary. I smirked into my drink as Thua rolled his eyes at Khan's typical claims of being a hot teacher that students have crushes on.

Eventually, the conversation naturally quieted down as the alcohol began to take effect. Seizing the opportunity, Khan asked, "Hey Aye, what was that about you asking me a few days ago if Akk had a twin or a relative who looks like him?" I nearly choked on my beer and replied, "Oh, it was nothing, Khan. Just curiosity. I have a coworker who bears a striking resemblance to Akk, and it made me wonder if there's a secret twin or look-alike relative we didn't know about." My hesitant tone caught everyone's interest at the table, and Wat suddenly interjected, "Wait, is this the same coworker who kindly drove you home when I couldn't pick you up?"

Now everyone was eagerly looking at me, as if urging me to spill the details. I sighed and continued, "Yes, you guys know I'm working as an art assistant now, right? On my first day, the manager assigned me to work with an artist named Yok. He was part of the ROL gang, which was pretty big a few years ago, so you might be familiar with him. Personally, I didn't pay much attention to them back then because I was still grieving." Everyone nodded, encouraging me to go on. "Well, Yok looks exactly like Akk. I mean, the eyes, the nose, the smile, the height—it's uncanny. When I first saw him, I did a double take. If we hadn't witnessed Akk being laid to rest with our own eyes, I would have thought it was some kind of joke, that he was still alive."

"Is that true? Does he really resemble him?" Wat blurted out, his filmmaker instincts kicking in. "Yes, Wat. They're incredibly similar yet different. As an artist, Yok has a completely different style of dressing. He leans towards the grungy look, unlike Akk. Their personalities are also quite opposite," I explained. "Moreover, Yok has several tattoos all over his 6-foot frame, something we know Akk would never have." I paused for a moment before concluding, "It's like looking at the bad boy version of Akk, to be honest."

Thua, with his astute eyes that I sometimes despise, was now scrutinizing me intently. I squirmed in my seat, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. "You've only known this guy for a few days, and you already know so much about him?" he inquired. I defensively replied, "I work for him, Thua." "Hmm," Thua mused, and I grew irritated at his tone of disbelief.

"So, did he drive you home and did you invite him in for some make-out session like you used to do with Akk?" Namo asked mischievously, wiggling his eyebrows. I was dumbfounded because lying effectively to these guys seemed impossible. My expression gave me away, and Khan sprang from his chair, exclaiming, "Aye! Did you really? You made out with someone?" "Ohooooo! This is the best news I've heard in years!" "Way to go, Aye!" the guys cheered as if it were a miracle. However, they quieted down when they noticed my solemn and confused expression. "Is that a good thing? Did you miss the part where I said he looks exactly like Akk? Doesn't it bother you guys that I might be kissing this guy just because he reminds me of Akk?"

Thua began to speak but then closed his mouth. Khan took over, looking at me with a rare seriousness. "Aye, you said it yourself. You know they're two different people. You even pointed out how different they are from each other. So what if you have a type? Everyone has a type. Sure, he coincidentally resembles your late ex, but Akk is no longer here. We've been telling you for years to try to move on with your life. Now you're opening up to someone. Granted, he resembles your ex, but it's a start. I want you to take a chance on this," Khan said, reaching out to hold Thua's hand. Thua nodded, and so did the rest of the guys.

Khan's speech must have been incredibly meaningful to him, as he was Akk's closest friend among us. If anyone loved Akk as much as I did, it was Khan. He had always questioned himself, wondering if he could have been a better friend and saved his beloved best friend. Hearing him say those words felt like a thorn in my heart being gently removed. It almost felt like receiving a blessing from Akk himself.

I wiped away the tears that had escaped my eyes and looked into the eyes of my best friends in the world. Their expressions reflected nothing but genuine care and concern for me. We had all shared our grief, and they had been there for me during those moments when I contemplated giving up, overwhelmed by pain. Throughout the years, we had trudged together, hoping to find a glimpse of the lightness of being we had before our beloved Akk's tragic passing.

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