Chapter 8: Hangovers and Drunken Memories

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Waking up with a hangover on a workday is the worst. My head felt like it was going to split. I groggily got up from my bed walking straight to the kitchen to get water and a couple of aspirin from the cupboards. Trying to recall everything that happened last night. Who brought me home? I seem to recall my arms slung over Thua and maybe Khan? I recall washing my face in the bathroom. I suddenly slammed my glass on the counter as flashes of me kissing Yok in the bathroom. Oh my freaking God! Did I really make out with Yok in a public bathroom? I groaned and hung my head in shame.

My phone rang and upon seeing Thua's name I answered immediately. I immediately asked who bought me home and sighed in relief when he said it was him and Khan.  Assured that I was indeed awake and after reminding me to eat before going to work, Thua bid me goodbye.

I received a message from my manager as I was driving to work that Yok had said he was not going to the studio today as he had another engagement. That made me breathe easily for the first time today. I spent the whole day mulling over the situation that I am in. Recalling my friend's words at the same time. Are they right? Is it really okay for me to give whatever this is I have with Yok a chance? Akk would want me to be happy right? Doesn't Yok mind at all when he knows that I was initially interested in him because he was the image of my ex boyfriend?

These thoughts and more had been running circles in my head. I surely can't talk to Akk so by the end of the day I've made up my mind to talk to the one who can at least answer my questions - Yok.


The day I spent on my friend's exhibition has left me feeling both inspired and tired. His art style is more on impressionism whereas I prefer to do nudes or else realism. Still it felt good to be surrounded by art. It calmed my inner turmoil.

All day long, Aye and what happened last night has been on the back of mind. I've stopped myself several times from contacting him, knowing full well that he might just run away from me again. He finally took the initiative last night and I am afraid that I will spook him if I make the wrong move by going too fast on him. So I told myself I must exercise patience as I went to take a shower.

Getting out of the shower I heard my phone chiming and to my surprise it was Ayan. He asked me if I was busy and if I had time to talk. I immediately asked him where he was and when he said at home I told him to give me 20 mins and I'll be there. Immediately getting dressed and getting the keys to my bike.

The 15 minute drive to Ayan's place was a mix of excitement and dread for me. I wanted to see Ayan but at the same time I am actually fearing what he will say. Will he tell me it was another mistake? I shushed my cowardly brain as I schooled my expression before finally knocking on Ayan's door.


I was breathless, not of running but of nerves as I opened the door to Yok. All the things I had practiced saying to him fled my mind the moment I laid eyes on him leaning casually on my door frame. Semi wet, messy hair and a flirty smile greeted me. Oh my God how did I ever forget how gorgeous this man is. Obviously aware of my reaction because his grin grew even wider and cockier. "Did you call me here because you miss me already, my little dynamite?" He said.

I had to of course look up a bit as I stand at 174 cm but this man is a whole 184 cm tall. I noticed that although he is freshly showered, he has stubbles that were left unshaven, to which my eyes stayed glued and my hand itches to caress it, so I clasped them together to prevent me from reaching out to do so. I ignored what he said and told him to come in.

Obviously noticing my interest in his stubble he said "I just got out of the shower and was heading to bed when you sent the message, I was gonna shave tomorrow". I nodded and offered him coffee while leading him to my kitchen counter where I thought it would be safer to talk. "This is freshly brewed. Would you like anything with it?" I inquired, serving the coffee with cream and no sugar just as he likes it. Perks of being the assistant I mused. "Sorry about asking you to come out this late, you must be tired" to which he answered "Nahhh, it's pretty rare for you to be the one seeking me out so I am excited to hear what you have to say".

Deciding to be honest and thinking that with Yok's personality getting to the point is really the best option for me. "First, I would like to apologize if I came on too strong on you last night" he scoffed at that and retorted "Don't apologize for that Ayan because 1. I liked it. 2. You can come on to me anytime you like 3. I told you already I want to pursue this., so let's proceed to the second, let's not discuss the first anymore".

"I did a lot of thinking since yesterday and even consulted my friends who also think I should take a chance" I said. "But I don't want to mislead you into anything. See, I told you a few days ago I am still unsure about this whole thing. You looking like Akk still gets to me and still makes me wonder what if this is just transference" I sighed and rushed to finish my point "but I also really have not felt like this for a long time, being with you really feels great and I feel happy for the first time in a long time and I don't want to let it go either. I want to be with you and maybe see how this goes. I just don't want to hurt you and I can't make promises so I guess all I really want is for you to tell me if you still want to do this even knowing how I feel". There I've said all I wanted to say and I kept my head down waiting for Yok to say something. I bared my heart just now, did I make the right decision though?

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