Chapter One

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" It's that guy's fault!"

" And how is he guilty?"

" Well he tripped me with his bike."

Shifty stated as he abruptly stopped to glance at the officer. But he quickly got shoved forward instead, " Keep it moving!" The officer said, dragging his voice through the corridor of the prison.

This was his millionth time 'visiting' this place, him and his twin brother often get themselves in trouble to the point where some prisoners would greet their arrival as if they were buddies.

Though the brothers are not fond with the other prisoners around here, the twins still acknowledge one's existence and sometimes mess them around just for their amusement.

However, today was only Shifty who got caught during the heist. While the police were still searching for Lifty, Shifty begin to go over the usual plan of his escape. The brothers had made their own escape route ever since the beginning of their first stay. To their surprise, none of the securities have find this 'escape spot' yet which baffles the twins.

So technically going to the same prison was only a mild issue to them. Shifty was feeling good about himself until suddenly, they turn to a corner. Shifty eyebrows raise a little by the unfamiliar route they're heading. He then wonder aloud, " Well this is new..."

The officer surprisingly respond, " We thought of changing to a different cell for you and your brother. We figure out this might resolve the issue." Shifty didn't had to asks what the issue was, he knew right away it was about their escape. For once, they finally had their heads at the game and it took one genius to change cells for the brothers.

" The cell better have a functional toilet." Shifty said before standing infront of a metal door. The officer didn't waste time and open it for him. The two men stood there in utter silence with Shifty staring ahead. He look at the officer, " Where's the bars?"

The officer suddenly throw him into the room as he landed onto the concrete. His lungs gave out for a brief before letting out a cough. Shifty remain on the ground as the officer grab the doorknob, " Let's see how long you can stay here." Shifty was instantly met with the door slammed shut afterward. The sound resonated around the room until it quickly fell silent.

Shifty cursed under his breath while slowly getting up from his feet. He later noticed he still had his handcuffs on, " At least remove these damn handcuffs, what good of an officer when you can't do a simple task?" He said boldly, thinking the officer was already out of earshot. But he quickly feel his fur prickled when he heard a reply, " You're still supposed to have them, it's a new system we're trying out." Although Shifty couldn't see him due to the solid barrier between them rather than a few metal rods, he can obviously tell his scoffing tone.

Shifty decided not to initiate more into their interaction. He has other matter to worry about anyway, like how is he suppose to escape from this new unfamiliar area? Once he shut himself up, he begin to survey the room he was in.

" Same old same old.." he sigh looking at the same layout as the cell he usually got thrown in. The room size was similar as well as the tattered bed they installed in every prison cells. But he was quietly anticipated about one thing, only to be met with disappointment when he saw the condition of the toilet.

" God damnit! Flushing myself down the toilet is already out of the question.", he then gagged when he got near to the toilet seat, " Blegh and remind myself not to use them too.." The stench was so horrible that it almost caused him to faint. After he gathered all the information he needed, he chose to sit in the centre of the room, handcuffs still remaining around his wrists.


He got nothing. Which surprises him honestly. For once in a long time, he couldn't think of a solution to his problems. Often times, he would spontaneously pick whatever he has around his surroundings without an effort. It was a skill of his, or rather a survival instinct he has. Regardless, it had helped him slip away from several situations. However most of the outcome does not go well as he intended.

Just when he was about to give up, he heard something rustling above him. He turn his head from where the noises was coming from. At the high end of the wall was a small cell window, the room suddenly became dim when the only sunlight bathing the room was blocking by a silhouette. Shifty scramble to his feet realizing who it was at the other side, " Took you long enough." He said impatiently.

His twin brother Lifty, had arrived to the rescue. His arrival caused some dry leaves to get into the cell, slowly falling onto the floor, " How did you find me?" That was the first thing he question while trying to help him out as well. Lifty was busy rummaging through a sack he was carrying, " I checked the escape route just now and noticed you weren't there. Then i overheard some officers talking about you." Shifty's gaze kept drifting back and forth, concern if someone hears them, " What did they talk about me?"

Lifty paused and gave him a slight anxious look, " Uh well- catch." He dodged the question by dropping something inside the room. Shifty caught it with his two hands. He simply reacted by giving Lifty a glare, " Are you trying to get us caught?" He hissed which Lifty ignored it. The one with handcuff look down at his palms. His eyes went wide when he realized it was a piece of dynamite. " Not yet." Lifty finally answered as he hold up a lighting match. A smirked crept at the corner of his face before he lit a different dynamite in his other hand. He places it with the rest around the window cell before withdrawing from the area.

With quick reflex, Shifty dropped the unlit dynamite and hastily backed away until his back made contact with the wall. He heard it sizzles until his life flashes before his eyes. The dynamite exploded with tiny debris flying everywhere. The explosion made a hole, enough for him to climb out. The security alarmed went off as the sound of the siren caused Shifty to act fast by clambering up his escape. Dust and powder was covering his vision completely.

Until suddenly he felt a hand grabbed his forearm, " Come on! Make a run for it!" He heard Lifty's voice as he was getting dragged away from the scene. Shifty coughed hard from inhaling too much dust, " I'm going to kill you once we get home!" He shouted, still having a hard time balancing himself. Once he was in a good running pace, Lifty finally let go of him and together, they sprint towards the security fence that had already been cut. Assuming it was Lifty's doing.

At the far distance, they can hear the officers shouting at them, as if they're expecting them to come back. The twins continue to run carrying their signature laughs. Letting them know that they would always find a way to escape. When the fence was nearby, Lifty head in first before quickly followed by Shifty. " They're such imbeciles!" Shifty words were sharp as he pants from the exertion. Lifty's breathing was shallow, " Phew, you can say that again."

They slowed down once they confirmed themselves they weren't being chased anymore, not that they were in the first place. The twins eventually found themselves in a forest, " Where the hell did you have access to dynamites? I don't remember buying a packet of them.." Shifty spun around, scanning their surroundings. Lifty gladly answer his puzzlement, " Borrowed some from Lammy. She had a stacked of them in her basement."

This only raises more questions in Shifty's mind. Yet, he prefers not to asks any further, thinking it would be more endless questions to his liking. He grunted when he remembered his hands were still in handcuff. His twin was aware of his annoyance, " Oh right, we should've blown your hands off too." He joked but Shifty wasn't laughing at his dumb suggestion, " Very funny Lifty. Now let's get home. Today's been real hectic." He moved forward, finally remembering the pattern of the forest.

" You're not going to keep them on are you?" Lifty asked in amusement. His question made Shifty glanced over his shoulder, " We'll see about that." With that the twins made their way back to their place after a long trouble heist.


End of chapter.

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