Chapter Four

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The clouds were clear as skies, exposing the sun as it bathed the town with its natural sunlight. This helps the colourful buildings to stand out in their town with each one of them having their own unique architectures. It was truly a sight to be in Happy Tree, especially meeting face to face with the enormous tree that had planted at the middle of their town center.

The town itself have its own histories ever since the founder stumbled upon this land. One of the most well known records that had spread across the country was the misfortune curse that dwell upon Happy Tree. It was told an old witch had lived within their town long ago. She was accused of performing black magic and was casted away by the townsfolk only to return with the intention of malice. She later got killed by the mayor during that era. And her corpse was buried beneath the rich soil where the enormous tree is located.

Some believed the tree had to do with the witch and the curse. While others have their own theory that are irrelevant to the witch. Theories would be thrown right and there leading into conflicts among many sides and there's even a debate people could participate in today's era. But honestly, no one really knows the vague side of their history.

" Owh.. and there goes Toothy."

They both watched him ran out of a diner with a skewer pierce into his left eye. He continue down the streets following with a bloodcurdling scream as his friend Cuddles rushed out from the building to catch up, " Toothy! Wait up!" The bunny halted when he saw Handy and Shifty staring at the horrifying scene. Cuddles greeted them in a frantic, " N-nice weathering today isn't it?" His attempted greatly fails as he glance at his friend who's now drifting farther away from him, " Oh shit! I got to stop Toothy before things could get escalating!" He instantly dashed to the same direction to where Toothy had run off.

The people inside the diner were looking out the windows until eventually they return back to where they had left off. Handy was busy surveying the people inside the diner until a voice caught his attention, " Zero days without any deaths..." Shifty said it out of the blue as he continue, " Anyways, do you think your vase is still at the park?" He looked over his partner afterwards. " I'm not interested to strike a conversation right now," Handy told him right at the bat. He knew talking to Shifty would only turn him into a ticking time bomb, especially what he had done to his heirloom. " OK, you're the boss," said Shifty with a hint of a snarky tone.

The two proceed through the streets of Happy Tree. The entire journey from then on was completely quiet. At first it wasn't bothering them but once the awkwardness settled in, they felt like they were about to suffocate from the absence of sound. As soon as they arrived at the park, Shifty was already a step farther away from Handy. He trailed the felon behind until they both stopped at the exact destination. Shifty stood in front of a shrub as Handy awkwardly watched him hunkering down and inserting his hands into it. The shrub rustled by his hand movement while Handy was idling around.

When the sound of leaves rustling longingly, the one standing had enough and decided to checked up on him, " What's taking you so long?" Handy crouched beside him. His voice caused Shifty to whipped his head to his direction, " Striking a conversation are we?" That was the first thing he said. Handy simply ignored it, " Is this the area where you got arrested yesterday?" his eyes glanced around the place when he spoke.

The searched continue, " Funnily enough, yeah." Shifty seemed embarrassed to admit it. The result to his answer was Handy suppressing his laugh, " R-really? The park is pretty spacious, how did they managed to took you down?" He noticed his face turned a slight red from his curiosity. It was an amusing sight to see Shifty getting flustered anytime someone mention his fail attempts. Handy enjoyed doing it, purely to degrade his ego. Unfortunately, his question could wait when someone interrupted them, " Excuse me, do you two have a moment?" Handy and Shifty immediately turned their heads to meet one of the residents around this side of town.

Handy was the first to stood up and properly greeted them, " Oh good afternoon, Pop." Pop shortly reciprocate, " Well good afternoon to you too Handy." By the time he finished his sentence, Shifty was already on his feet. Pop was resting his hand on a baby stroller where his son, Cub lay inside of it. He was sleeping soundly with the canopy drawn over his head, covering his eyes from the sunlight.

" Are you boys trying to find something?" Pop asks their troubles, Handy nodded, " Yeah, some moron accidentally left my item around here." Handy felt Shifty's hard stare when he said that, he simply continue, " Did you happen to see a vase lying around the park while you were strolling your kid?" Pop looked at Handy then to Shifty. He removed his hand on the stroller to recollect his thoughts.

After a while he smiled, " Of course! As a matter of fact, i was a witness yesterday." They're eyes went wide. One was more eager to find out while the other was clearly praying for Pop not to recap yesterday's occurrence. " You were there when it happened? Great! Did you saw where the vase went after he got taken away?" He gestured towards Shifty who's face was now scarlet. The humiliation he's getting was way too much for him to handle.

Pop let out a hearty laugh. As he finished laughing and controlling his breathing again, he then gave them a solid answer, " The man who tripped him with his bike took the vase. " Handy looked at Shifty for confirmation with a amusement smile. Shifty eye's twitched, " Yeah so what if i tripped on someone's bike! That darn moose was out of my way!"

Handy nudged his elbow harshly, " Quiet, you're going to wake up the baby." He then looked at Pop apologetically. Pop waves his hand off, " It's alright, Cub here is use to loud noises." He explained as he inspect the stroller to make sure he's still in there, " Speaking of Cub, would you mind babysit him later for me Handy?"

The beaver stare in surprise, " Me? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to hire someone else other than me?" He sounded rather confused. It was understandable for him to reacted that way. Usually people hire him to do repairment or any construction work around the town. But babysitting was the least he'd expected to be offered.

" Most of the babysitters have been busy this past few days. I couldn't find someone other than you Handy. You're a rational man from what i heard." He talked as if he'd been meaning to tell him. Handy became bashful from the sudden compliment. It also convinced him to even take the task.

" Alright if you say so. When will i babysit him?" Handy asked, completely forgetting with the current task he's doing. Pop counted his schedule in his head, shortly he snapped his fingers, " Friday would be fine?" He waited for the other party to agree. Handy nodded, " You get yourself a deal." Pop smiled warmly once more, he was about to outstretched his hand to give a handshake. Then he saw Handy's arm and paused, " O-oh right, well it's a pleasure to talked to you two." He quickly withdrew his hand to reached to his cap and tip it instead.

Surprisingly, Shifty was the one responding, " That's great old man, but you might want to check your kid." At first Pop was confused as what he meant until he turned around to see the entire storller disappeared beside him. " Cub!?" He panicked and saw the stroller rolling down the slope near them. Pop quickly spring into action and chased after his baby while screaming for his name.

Handy stare at the scene for a moment. Though, they should be normal with sudden accidents now, Handy stomach would twist when it happens sometimes. His gaze drifted to Shifty to distract himself while as well realizing their situation -specifically him- had worsen, " You said something about a moose?"


End of chapter.

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