Chapter 3: The Riot

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C. Inkling: WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?!?!?! Have we ended up in France or something?!

Mr. Monitor: I have no idea!!!

C. Inkling: Why are Toads and Toadettes rioting in my town?!

Mr. Monitor: It may be something to do with yesterday's gang attack in the Mushroom Kingdom!

C. Inkling: B- But, we caught them all!

Mr. Monitor: They must be over-reacting.


C. Inkling: GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!


Mr. Monitor: *RADIO* All units from 42... requesting urgent assistance at Inkopolis Square and Splatsville! We're gonna need some Riot Police down here, and some Tear Gas!

Radio: Received!!!

C. Inkling: *sigh* I'm having a nightmare, here!!!

At Auri's house...

Auri: I feel like I've failed you all

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Auri: I feel like I've failed you all...

Meggy: Don't say that, Auri... you'll get back on your feet in no time!

Auri: Don't you understand?! I feel like I've wasted 2 years of my life... and, my career has gone down the Toilet!

Meggy: What do you mean?!

Auri: I might as well, just give up and quit...

Meggy: That's gonna effect your life!!! If you're gonna be job-less, then... you're gonna be bankrupt and lose your house!!!

Mario: Well, he can live with us!

Auri: Face it, guys... I've had a nightmare, last night... I dreamt that I was confronted by clones of Dylan Cumber and Dark Clones of you guys... they were all chanting that it was all my fault.

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