Ch.2: The Skeleton Key

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50 Years Later

Maple opened the door to the large dusty home. It was covered in dust as Mr. Andrews didn't get a chance to clean it more in his old age. As she walked inside she looked around as old memories of their childhood came to mind.

"(Y/n), come on." She called out to her daughter.

(Y/n) entered the home slowly, she hadn't been inside since her grandfather was in the hospital. It felt eerie to her. It was empty, quiet, too quiet. Usually the sound of music played throughout every inch of the home, but now, silence, dead silence.

"(Y/n)," Maple spoke again, then noticed how hesitant she was to enter, "Hey, listen."

She looked up to her mother then away.

"I know, it's hard. I know how close you two were. This is hard for me too, honey." She tucked her daughters hair behind her ear. "Not everyone gets their grandparents into their 20s either. You're very fortunate to have had him so long."

"It's still not fair..." (Y/n) spoke softly.

Maple pulled her into a hug, "I know, and he was the best grandfather to you too. He was the best dad to me."

She leaned into her mothers embrace, "Why did he leave me everything? Why not you or your brothers?"

She leaned back looking down at (Y/n) with a smile on her face, "Because he knew you were special, he knew you wouldn't waste his money or sell his home or do anything greedy. You were his favorite grandchild."

(Y/n) took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "I'll feel weird living here, alone."

"Well, I'll stay here with you, we'll change things around, make it more your style. You'll have Jack too."

(Y/n) laughed a little, "That big slobbery Saint Bernard is a scaredy cat, I need a real guard dog."

"Oh he'll do just fine."

Maple and (Y/n) began going through the house. Although filled with sadness there was nostalgic memories floating about through pictures and items. Mr. Andrews rarely changed his home, and even less so after his wife died.

Old pictures hung on the walls still covered in wall paper from the 90s. The home of course smelled like a goodwill which (Y/n) hated, yet during a time like this brought comfort.

This would be her new home, a large home, along with the inheritance she received when her grandfather passed. For now, it was Maple and (Y/n), alone, as envy struck the rest of the family.

(Y/n) continued to look through the home but a bit deeper and personal since, going through Mr. Andrews personal items, as needed. She sat at his desk in his study rummaging through the papers in his desk hoping not to miss something important.

While searching a large key hit the side of the drawer. She picked it up and observed it. It seemed like a prop, at its size, however it was real, the metal slightly discolored from age.

"Hey, mom?" (Y/n) called out.

"Yeah?" Maple called back entering into the study.

She held up the key to her mother, "Any idea what this goes to?"

"Where did you find that?"

"It was in his drawer."

"Hmm..." Maple took the key and observed it. "Who knows really, dad had a lot of secrets he never told us about."

"Grandpa had secrets?"

"Well," She tried to find the best way to explain it, "From what my mother told me, he just had parts of his life that were very secretive. Parts that he didn't ever talk about, or want to. It never bothered any of us, but we were curious."

"Did you ever find out anything?"

"No, we didn't push, we didn't dig, we were warned not to." She paused, "However there was one person who knew, Uncle Mark."

"His brother?"

Maple nodded, "Mom said he did, no further explanation."

(Y/n) took back the key and looked at it. "Well, then I guess I know what I'm doing. I'm going to find the lock to this key."


As the week passed by (Y/n) made the home more of her own along with the help of her mother and the moral support of Jack. She kept components of her grandfather however, mostly pictures and items she treasured. The eeriness soon left the house as it became more comfortable to live.

By the end of the week (Y/n) was pretty much moved into the house, happily set up and eager for this new chapter in life.

"Alright, now, I'm 15 minutes down the road." Maple began.

"I know mom."

"And the first aid bag is up in the closet."

"I know mom."

"I left a list of all the important numbers you'll need, electric, water, sewage."

"I know mom."

"I also—"

"Mom!" (Y/n) raised her voice a bit, "I'll be okay here. It's just grandpa's house."

"I know it's just, you're on your own for the first time."

"Mom— you live 15 minutes away. That's barely being in my own."

Maple smiled at her then gave her a hug, "I know, I'm just— it's a parent thing."

"I get it," She hugged back.

Maple continued to give a heartfelt goodbye for another 10 minutes before finally leaving the home. Once she was gone (Y/n) was all alone, with Jack however.

It has been a few days since (Y/n) had looked for the door the key would fit. She decided to use her time to look for it once more.

The dog followed her around from room to room as she looked in every nook and cranny around her. After a few hours she finally took a break, her legs dragging her to the old study.

She plopped down in the old chair behind the desk feeling defeated.

"Jack, my buddy, my boy, it's useless."

The large Saint Bernard simply looked at her from the doorway.

"Grandpa doesn't want anyone knowing about anything." She leaned forward on the desk. "What was he hiding?"

The dog then took a few steps into the room in front of the desk then over to (Y/n). She paused and looked at the rug that laid in front of the desk.

"Jack, do you wanna go for a walk?"

His ears perked up, he then ran around out through the office door, over the same spot again. This time (Y/n) was sure something was under there.

She immediately pushed the chairs that sat in front of his desk to the side then grabbed the edge of the rug pulling back to reveal the wooden floor. The wood was lighter under the rug with a dark blackish out light around where it had sat. In the center was an outline of wood in a giant square with hinges on the top and a key hole.

"Jack! We hit the Jack-pot." (Y/n) looked back and the dog tilted his head.

After taking a breath she stuck the key in the hole and unlocked it. Upon opening up the first thing she saw was a small picture that said.

"Welcome Home"

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