Ch.3: Season 1 Episode 1

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Throughout the evening (Y/n) pulled out everything from this hole in the floor. It seemed endless as colorful merchandise from this "Welcome Home" was stacked along the floor. From books to records to dolls and posters, so much was stuffed under the wood.

(Y/n) pulled out a small plush doll. It had blue hair with a swirled pompadour. The felt was yellow and work a bit. He had colorful pants with a blue cardigan and a red bow on his neck to match.

"Well aren't you a cutie." She smiled at the doll setting it on her lap.

As the hours ticked on she continued to pull out every item possible until the space under the floorboards was empty. The room was covered with aged merchandise.

Standing up (Y/n) pulled out her phone and began calling her mother.

"Hey, ma."

"Miss me already?" Maple joked.

"I do but listen, what do you know about Welcome Home?"

"Welcome Home? Hmmm..." She paused for a moment, "It was some kind of show on TV in like the 70s. It was kind of like Sesame Street, you know?"

"I've never heard of it before."  (Y/n) looked down at the blue haired stuffed toy observing it. A tag attached to it read "Wally Darling."

"From what I know they never did re-runs, which is funny it was pretty good I won't lie. I remember it."

"Did you own any of the merch?"

"I mean— oh gosh (Y/n) that's years ago, what brings this up?"

She looked at all the items on the floor for just a moment before answering, "Oh I found an old doll thing, named Wally Darling from the show."

"Oh, yes, that was the main character. It was probably mine at some point. You can just get rid of it if you want."

"I'll figure out something. It's kinda of cute."

"Keep it, I don't care."

(Y/n) laughed a little, "Well thank you anyway, mom, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Alright have a goodnight, Sweetie."


(Y/n) filled the kitchen sink with hot water and began pouring dish soap into it. Bubbles began to form as the water crashed down. She set the doll on the counter looking at it.

"Now why would grandpa want to his you?" She questioned the inanimate object.

Of course the doll wouldn't answer back, it was just a doll after all. However just seeing it caused her to feel a connection to her grandfather, like they now had a shared secret. It didn't help she was mourning a man who had only died a week prior.

"We'll get you cleaned up, don't worry."

Pulling her sleeves up she took a scrub brush and the Wally doll putting it in the water. Taking her time she slowly cleaned off all the dirt and debris that had gathered over the years while sitting under the floor boards.

While she cleaned Wally her mind filled with memories of her grandfather and all the moments they shared together. (Y/n) was Danny's favorite grandchild, they spent a lot of time together even as they got older, until the very end.

After cleaning up the doll she placed it back onto the counter and dried it off with a bath towel.

"There, almost new."

(Y/n) placed her hands on her hips.

Jack began barking a bit standing at the doorway to the kitchen.

"Oh would you relax, it's a doll, Jack."

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