Ch.4: Barnaby B. Beagle

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(Y/n) watched episode after an episode. They were cute, and fun, even if they were for kids. In a sense it was like Bluey, for everyone.

Her eyes grew heavy watching each one, barely paying attention. She laid down, still watching the show until her eyes closed shut.


(Y/n) felt the breeze on her face. Her eyes slowly opened to trees above her, but the trees weren't green. Some had blue leaves, some had red leaves. They moved against one another as the breeze picked up for a moment.


She sat up and touched her head.

"Why am I —"

"There you are buddy you—"

(Y/n) looked up to see a large figure, a blue dog, her eyes widened, then she screamed.

Then the dog screamed.

"Why are we screaming?!"

"What the Fuck is going on!" She yelled back, moving as far away from him as possible.

"I — I didn't mean to scare yah'..." He knew he was larger, he kept his hands together twiddling his thumbs.

(Y/n)'s breathing calmed down the longer she looked, "Holy hell you're that Barnaby characters."

"I am Barnaby, the one and only, kid!"

"Barnaby B. Beagle, the character in Welcome Home." She began to calm down as it seemed the giant dog meant her no harm.

"You a fan of the show?"

"There's no way this is real—" (Y/n) looked down at her hands, they felt real, they seemed real, she was real. "I watched too many episodes."

"You were watchin' our show?" Barnaby took off his hat and held it in his paws. "What did you think?"

"I think it's cute — I liked it." She kept to herself. "I have to be dreaming —"

Barnaby didn't know what to say, however he saw how uncomfortable she was and offered a hand.

"Well, dream or not, can I show you around?"

She hesitated, looking at his hand.

"I know it's scary, but I promise, you're okay here. I promise I'll help yah." He gave her a big smile. "What do yah say, kid?"

She paused for a moment, it had to be a dream, so what was the harm? After a moment she took his paw. It felt warm and fuzzy.

"Do yah have a name?"

"My name is, (Y/n)."

"Well it's nice to meet yah, (Y/n)!" He shook her hand causing her whole body to move, a smile crossed her face. "Let me show you the neighborhood!"

Barnaby placed an arm around her and lead her into the neighborhood.

It was just like show but real now, 3D. The colors almost hurt her eyes being so bright and vibrant. There was too much to look at as they walked along getting closer and closer to the neighborhood.

"Hold on —" Barnaby grabbed her arm.

She tensed but saw she almost fell over a rock, "Sorry."

"It's okay. I know it's a lot to take in. All these rainbows. Pretty nice, eh?"

"It's bright."

"Yeah, but look at me! I look like a big ol' blueberry." He laughed a little. "C'mon I'll take you to my house. Get yah some tea and a snack or two...or three."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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