🌺Chapter 1🌺

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"Hey! Sae wait up!!"
You were currently running towards your long time boyfriend Sae Itoshi.

"Hurry it up. You know the match starts in 15minutes."

"S-Sorry! I just wanted to say good luck!"
You said finally catching up to him, giving him a sweet but quick kiss on his lips.

He pulled away first before thanking you and telling you how he doesn't need luck to win a game. Turining around and giving you a cold shoulder (kind of).

*He didnt even say bye... maybe he's just stressed and nervous for the game*

You tought, smiling sadly at his back wich was getting smaller by the second until he turned and opened a door to leave you all by yourself.


Sae and you have been dating for 3 years alredy, and for the both of you it was perfect from the start, but after the first year of dating he started getting colder to everyone around him.

At first you didnt think anything about it, thinking how he was propably just stressed, but when time went by, he started being cold to you too.

Its like you don't even know him anymore.

You two started dating when you were 17 and he was 16.

You met while you were visitnig your grandparents from your mothers side in Spain.

They moved to Spain because of how warm there is. And you had visited them alone that time and now you were getting grosceries for them.

You were alredy walking back thinking how you wanted to just take a cold shower after walking in the grilling sun for too long.

*haah- i wish i was alredy back at home. This sun is killing me. *


You fell backwards feelling a burning sentation on your forehead.


Suddenly a shadow came to your view. It was a male with auburn hair locks and mesmerizing teal eyes with long underlashes.

"Hey. Are you alright?"

The mysterious boy asked you with eyebrows slightly furrowed.


"Look, im sorry. I was just playing with my friends and one of them hit the ball a little too hard. "

He said sighing a little frustatedly.

"y-yeah its alright!"

You wanted to slap yourself for that little sutter and because how you talked to him with a little panicked and broken spanish. You have been practicing spanish at a quite young age due to your interest in other languages.

"... you have a cute accent"

He said while rubbing the back of his neck looking away slightly.

"Thank you!"

You said sweat dropping a little and getting up.

"L-let me gelp with those!!!"

He quickly said while helping you to pick up the fallen groceries.  The red hues on both of your faces getting bigger.

"i'm Sae, Sae itoshi. And you?"

"Y/n, Y/n L/n! Thank you for helping me pick these up!"

You said with a smile forming on your beautiful face, while looking at him in the eyes.

Meanwhile he was just staring at your face. It was as of the time had stopped for Sae. * Is this what they call: Love at first sight?

To him, you were beautiful, the absolute perfection. He was now clad that he was the one to come and get the ball, because he got to see you!

An Angel fallen from above, giving him a smile so sweet, that it could give a stomache ache immedeatly if eaten.

Your e/c eyes being so warm to him! Those eyes had truly melted his heart.

And that was the moment, the moment when the two youngsters met. Both feelling itriqued of eachother.

The other being happy thet they might have found a new friend.

And the others heart being captivited by your warm atmosphire. Wanting to have more of it.

*It was a swee time back them. He was so nice and gentle with me. I wonder what happend?...


And thats how the story has made it start!!!

Please tell me if i have made any msitakes while writing so that i can learn from my mistakes and also fix them.

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