🌺Chapter 2🌺

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After the game had ended you started walking to the same place where you and Sae parted ways, to congatulate Sae and his team for the win.

It took you a little longer than you expected it to take since there were alot of people in your way in the auditorium, but after getting out of there the amount of people lessened quite alot.

There were only the players families and friends on the big room wich leads to the changeginrooms. You were all waiting for the palyers of Real Madrid to come out.

Finally the door opened and some of the players started coming out. Some were going to their families and friends while some just left the place but with a smile of victory on their lips.

Everyone was happy.

And finally it was time for your Sae to come out, but to your suprise, before you could go to him. A girl with silky smooth blonde hair ran up to him and hugged him.

It made your movements to halt.

*Maybe she's just his friend, right? I don't think that Sae is the kind of person to cheat. If he wanted to break up, he would say it to my face...right??!

Your toughts were going round and round on your brain trying to convince yourself that she was just a friend.

But your delusons came to a very quick stop.

She kissed him.

And he kissed back.

That was when your world seemed to stop. Everything you two had build around eachother was just washed away like a hurricane destroying a beautiful peaceful beach.

Nothing around you mattered, all that you could see was Sae being all cute and cuddly with that girl.

The worst part was, that he didn't even see you. He didn't even look at your way.

All he saw was her.

You didn't know what to feel. Jealosy? Anger? Sadness? Dissapontment?

All of those emotions were roaming through you while tears started slowly falling down.

At this point some people were just staring at you. Some knew you as Sae's girlfriend and they were confused as to why was Sae holfing someone else.

You didn't know what to do.

Should you go back home?

Should you leave?

Or confront him about this?

Out of all the option, the second one seemed the most comforting.

And thats what you did.

Ignoring others stares and some quilty looking stares, you left.

You left hurrily.

You just wanted to get out.


You were finally back home, or more like your and Sae's home.

All the memories you made, were they a coplete waste of time for him?

You didn't care.

You just wantwd to get away from him.

And thats what you did, while being a complete crying mess, you packed.

You packed and packed all of you stuff, messily just trhowing the to your suitcases and suffing them with your chlothes, pictures all and anything you could find in that quick moment.

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