Chapter Seventeen

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Nebula is not where I wanted or expected to be tonight. We didn't discuss Torin's texts to us over dinner, and neither of us sent replies. But as we finished dessert, Phoenix suggested dropping by the show for a few songs to keep things on the level with Torin, and then slipping out at the first opportunity to enjoy the rest of our night.

By comparison to what he sent Phoenix, Torin's message to me was friendly enough. Nash told me he just saw you. Are you going to swing by the show tonight with Ava? I'd love to see you.

It's possible I read too much in his emphasis on going to the show with Ava, with no mention of Phoenix, but the three lines gave off a particular vibe. Even if he tolerated Phoenix's presence at the after party the last time we were all together, Torin was clearly wary of him being anywhere near me that night, and he probably still is. Did he intentionally exclude Phoenix from the invitation with the hope or expectation I would ditch him, or is he counting on him making an appearance so he can give him a piece of his mind?

"It's not too late to do literally anything else," I say as we approach the ropes outside of Nebula. The glittering casino lights and lively music from the slot machines only reinforce my opinion of how much happier we'd be by choosing to stay out here, or by spending the night somewhere else in the city.

"It has to happen some time," Phoenix reminds me. "It may be better to do this in a public place Torin invited you to, especially since he'll be on stage soon. I also don't want you to feel like you have to avoid your friends because I'm with you."

He has valid arguments, but none of them eases the dread gnawing at my insides. As he speaks with the doorman, visions of worst-case scenarios continue to flit through my mind like a mental kaleidoscope of doom. If Torin once wanted to punch Phoenix for bringing up my name, what will he do now that we're romantically involved again? I hadn't planned on keeping him out of the loop forever, but I would have appreciated having more time to figure out the best way to approach the subject with him. I'd also have preferred it to happen after Phoenix wraps up what he's working on and is no longer in Las Vegas, where Torin can hunt him down.

Then there's Ava to deal with. She's chilled out a bit since the day at my condo when she threw up flags and concerns all over the place, but she's also impulsive, and she's made it clear she doesn't trust Phoenix yet. It's a given that she'll be drinking tonight, and buzzed Ava has less of a filter than her sober self does. With alcohol in the mix, and Torin's backing, this is a recipe for disaster.

The doorman unhooks one of the ropes, and I clutch Phoenix's hand as we make our way to the hidden entrance. The tension in my shoulders must be visible to him when the metal door swings open and we enter the bar, because he places a hand on one of them and gently kneads it.

"Want something to drink?" he asks.

"Just water."

"Are you sure that's all?" His hand slides over to massage my other shoulder.

Perhaps I should break my own rule. I could use some help mellowing out, and I won't be writing again until I'm back in L.A. Phoenix also doesn't seem concerned about having alcohol around him, or at least that's the impression I had on my birthday and the last time I was here.

I close my eyes for a few seconds, feeling my muscles relax under his touch. "Can I claim dire circumstances and ask for a vodka ginger ale?"

"One vodka ginger ale coming up, no dire circumstances or explanations needed. Want to find us a spot to watch the show from?"

I open my eyes again to scan our surroundings for the most inconspicuous place we can stand that will also permit an easy getaway later. The ideal place seems to be on the other side of the room, so I point it out and begin making my way over there to claim it for us.

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