Reunion...And Sacrifice

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"Dark! Your okay!"

Chosen was the first to move, running towards Dark and tackling him in a crushing embrace.

"Thank god your safe. I was worried sick." He muttered.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. As long as your safe, everything's fine."

Dark hugged back, tears pricking his eyes as he buried his face in Chosen's shoulder.

"Oh, Purple, your safe." King lunged at the small stick, holding him tightly as Purple hugged him back. "Thank goodness your alright."

"How'd you know I was in danger?" He asked.

"I snitched out your dad and he just went straight after you." Gold said, a devious smirk on his face.

"I doubt King cares."

"The one thing that I care about right now is seeing you alive and well." King muttered, holding Purple close.

"I'm sorry I ran off."

"It's okay. We can talk later. But for now, I'm just glad your alright."

Nobody noticed Navy staggering out towards the others until he snatched a blade and tossed it towards Purple.

"DUCK!" Chosen screamed. Dark broke free from his tightening embrace and pushed Purple out of the way.

"DARK!" Chosen screamed in horror. The others watched in shock as Dark was hit by the blade and slammed into a nearby wall.

Navy cackled before jumping off put of the building through the hole the ray made, leaving Purple and his friends behind.

The group remained frozen for a few more seconds before Chosen ran towards Dark. King went to check on Purple.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"I'm fine."

Dark, on the other hand, was not.

Chosen ran towards the glitchy red stick, holding him tightly as the stick in his arms glitched and shook uncontrollably.

"Cho...Chosen...I...I'm scared..." Dark was barely muttering with how low his voice was.

"It's okay. It's okay. We-We're gonna get you some help, o-okay?" Chosen's voice broke as he took Dark's hand.

"Cho, that's not gonna work. He's gonna be dead before anyone comes to help." Green said.

"NO! He's gonna be alright. You hear me, Dark?! Your gonna be fine! I-I-It's gonna be fine!"

"Chosen, I doubt it's gonna be fine." Blue said, his statement falling on deaf ears.

"What do we do?! We've gotta get help!" Chosen cried.

"We can't!" Purple said, catching everyone's attention.

"Whatever Navy hit him with is gonna kill him! If Dark was able to kill Green and the others, this can kill him too because whatever Navy has that infected me and has Dark like this are the same!" He explained breathlessly.

"The ViraBands are similar to Navy's ViraBands. But Second was able to revive the others, right?" King asked.

"Only by reversing what Dark had done." Second reminded.


"W-w-well can we, like, reverse it!??!" Chosen begged.

"Unless we figure out what in the ViraBands are the same. Which we can't, cause Dark doesn't have them anymore, so we're kind of at a loss here." Yellow muttered.

"Sorry, Cho. We're kind of stuck like sitting ducks here." Second said solemnly.

"Maybe he'll in a coma. Like Purple was!"


"He's gotta be fine!"

"Chosen. He's gone!"

Second's words stunned the group into silence.

Dark, in fact, was gone.

"What the-where'd he go?!" Red asked.

"How did he vanish with all of us crowded around him?!"

"Oh, don't worry. He'll be fine."

Everyone turned to see Navy, an arm wrapped around Purple's shoulders, a glint of evil in his eyes.

"Navy, I swear to God if you hurt my kid-" King started, reaching for Yellow's staff.

"Your kid? Last time I checked, I was his dad. Right, Purple?" Navy looked at the smaller stick.

Purple finally glanced up, his eyes blank.

"Of course, father."

King's heart dropped.

Navy had him.

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