Purple's Choice

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In less than a second, King was at Purple's side after Navy struck him with the blade. Luckily, it had just stabbed his arm, but the strike still looked terrible.

"Purple, you alright?" Green asked, his voice coated with concern.

Purple didn't answer, instead grabbing Navy's blade and shooting up to his level before striking Navy directly in the chest.

Navy was slammed into the ground but Purple stood his ground, shaking and seething with pure unbridled rage towards Navy.

King instinctively took a step closer to Green, eyes glued to the stick levitating in the air.

Navy groaned in pain, staggering out of the concrete rubble and blasting a huge beam of energy out of the ViraBands.

Purple was only able to keep himself from getting hit with the beam for so long before Navy finally hit him with it.

Purple was sent flying into a wall a few seconds later.

"PURPLE!" Green screamed, racing towards him within the second. King remained frozen in shock and horror.

That son of a-

"Still think you can stop me, King Orange? I've already beaten your "son". What makes you think you can beat me?"


Purple suddenly ran in front of King, jumping up and tackling Navy back onto the ground.

Green followed suit, running towards Purple and catching him before he fell the the ground.

"You okay?"


"That's not fair! Your not supposed to suddenly SHOW BACK UP!" Navy whined.

"That's my job, dumbass. You keep trying to beat me, I'll keep getting back up. Since, unlike you, I have friends who actually care." Purple smirked, glancing over at King and the others.

Navy growled. "We'll see about that when I brainwash you again!" He snarled, about to grab Purple and stab another needle into his arm when King tackled him.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY SON!" He screamed, throwing Navy into a wall before racing over to Purple and Green.

"You alright?" He asked, the question directed mainly towards Purple.

"Yeah, I'm okay."


Navy got back up and tossed King and Green away before pinning Purple to the ground.

"Your gonna pay for what you did to me, you little shit." He snickered.

"And your gonna pay for what you did to MY best friend, asshole!" Chosen screamed, smacking Navy away with a pole. Yellow suddenly started fighting back, using the Command Block Staff and forcing Navy into a chokehold.

Purple took his chance and scurried away, searching for any way to turn the sky back to normal.

"Don't even-Dont even think-Don't even think about it!" Navy choked out, trying to fight the chokehold Yellow had him in.

Purple glanced at the bracelets on Navy's wrist, and was suddenly given an idea.

He spawned blades from both bands on his own wrists, and slammed them together, sending a large blast of energy out of them and towards the sky.

Within the minute, the sky was beginning to turn back to sky blue.

"Just hold on a little longer, Purple. You've got this!" Green screamed.

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