Filler chapter before the study session🫶

All the pretty stars shine for you, my dear.

-pretty when you cry
By Lana del Rey.

"Okay it's Thursday, the day before I hang out with Alhaitham

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"Okay it's Thursday, the day before I hang out with Alhaitham.. why did I ask him if we could hangout? He probably think I'm weird now."I mutter under my breath.

I can't think anymore. I'll just listen to music to take my mind off of this, for now atleast.

I take black headphones out, and turn them on. I put them on noise cancelling mode so no annoying things ruin my day more.

I turn on Messages From The Stars, by The Rah Band (great song actually) it begins playing.

Hello, do you read me?

I bathe in the sound of the music. Enjoying my walk to school, it's a brisk 5 minute walk, and the exercise is fun.

I have a message
A message from the stars.

I walk to a crosswalk and hit the red button.
I grumble, this could take a while.

Hello, hello?
I get messages from the stars.

I smack the button. "Hurry up stupid cars. I'm gonna be late." I mutter.

When your making love to me.
I get messages from the stars

The little stickman finally appears on the screen on the crosswalk, signaling I can cross.
"Finally" I breathe out.

I get messages from the stars
You must be from another galaxy

I quickly walk past the road, and start heading towards Teyvat High.

When I'm out there all alone
And feeling far from home

By the time I make it to school, I'm still pretty early, thankfully.

I'm fading into blue
And there's nothing I can do.

I take off my headphones, and put them back into my bag. I don't wanna get yelled at, mainly cause I'd get detention.

I quickly head to my locker, unlocking it. I open my locker, I have a mirror, the borders of it are my f/c.

I smile at the sight of pictures of me, Candace, Collei, Layla, and Cyno. Cyno isn't really apart of our friend group, but he's one of my best friends.

I put my bag inside my locker, and close it, locking it. Now I just need to find Collei and we can go to art together, thinking about it, Collei is probably at her locker at this time.

And with that, I head towards Collei's locker.

I speedwalk towards Collei's locker, "Collei-" I pant. "Let's go to art." I say quickly.

"Alright y/n!" Collei says happily. I hold her hand and we walk together. We make it 5 minutes early.

"Y/n and Collei, your early. You can work on any assignments if you have any to do while you wait for class to start."  Mr.Kreideprinz says in a gentle tone.

"Okay! Thank you!" Collei says happily. Me and Collei sit next to eachother. "Do you have any assignments due?" I ask.

"Mm.. Yes. I need to finish that vase." Collei says, rubbing the nape of her neck. "Hehe, same." I say, chuckling softly.

"I'll ask mr. kreideprinz if we can get some paint to add the last details." Collei says. I simply nod in response.

Collei returns with paint in hand. I go ahead and grab both our vases.

"Do you have your pattern down, Collei?" I ask, with a considerate tone.

"Mhm! I'll add some waves." Collei says excitedly. I smile in response, and grab a paintbrush.

I softly clutch the paintbrush, and dip it in the black paint. I think carefully and choose the design I want.

I stroke my paintbrush softly, slightly sticking out my tongue in concentration.

I paint the waves with care, quickly finishing.
"Yo, colls are you done?" I ask, dipping my paintbrush in water to take off the black paint.

"Mhm, can I see your vase? You can see mine!" Collei says happily. "Great idea!" I exclaim.

I head towards Collei's vase. "It's beautiful.." I say, completely awestruck.

"Same thing goes to yours! You got the pattern perfectly right!" Collei exclaims.

"Thank you so much." I say softly, slightly blushing at the compliment. I can never take compliments.

"Mhm! No problem, just saying the facts" Collei beams, smiling.

"Alright, you two, it's almost time for class to begin, so I'd appreciate it if you put your work and the supplies back." Mr. kreideprinz Explains.

Me and Collei nod, I take me and Collei's vases back, putting them in their places.

I sit back in my chair. Collei trailing behind me.

"Alright class, today we will paint an animal of your choice, remember to use what I've been teaching." Mr. kreideprinz explains.

Me and Collei share a look, knowing exactly what to paint.

We laugh at the same time. In response a certain grey haired individual glared at us.

Me and Collei share a look. And turn back to Mr kreideprinz.

"Please take a canvas. Thank you for listening, students." Albedo says with a gentle tone.

I go and take a medium sized canvas. I trail behind collei.

"Collei, what are you painting?" I ask, although I already know the answer.

"A fox, they're so mysterious, and I love them!" Collei says happily. Then she motions for you to say what you're painting.

"A clownfish." I say, smiling. "Of course!" Collei laughs.

 "Of course!" Collei laughs

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