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Gotham General.

Fries runs down the halls, trying to find the room number his wife is in. "Um sir where are you-" He stops at the receptionist desk. "Nora Fries," he said urgently. She pointed to the far left, Victor running after. 

That phone call was one of the scariest things in his life. If not, the scariest. Anything that happens to his wife, will absolutely destroy him. He still doesn't even know the full story, just that she suddenly fell at the store and hit her head hard. He has to find out what happened. 

Victor busts through the door, seeing his wife in the hospital bed. His eyes teared up. "Oh.. Nora.." he said, quivering at the lips. He kneeled next to his resting wife. The doctor comes in with a clipboard. 

"What happened?!" Victor asks. "She collapsed apparently. What she told us was that she felt like her heard just kept stopping and she tried to calm down but couldn't. So she fell. Fell pretty hard, possibility of a minor concussion," the doctor says.

Victor sighed, "And the heart? What about that? Is it Huntington's Chorea? Cancer?" The doctor sighed. "Mr. Fries, we both work in this specific field. So news may be hard to hear-"

"Just tell me.." he says with a low tone. The doctor sighed. "It's a new disease that's been hitting any and every part of the world. It's a rare one, but dangerous. It's called MacGregor's Syndrome. This disease causes the lungs to fill up with too much fluid, causing you to have a hard time breathing. There are four stages and it looks like.. she's beginning stage one."

Victor looked at her. "Well then everyone must be working on a cure right?" Victor asks. The doctor shook his head. "It's incurable Mr. Fries. I'm sorry," he says with a frown. Victor got up, walking to the doctor in front of his face. "So you're telling me there is NO CURE?! But.. we were supposed to start trying to have a family," Victor says. 

"Even if there is a cure, or a way to somehow stop or slow it down, this is going to be categorized as a genetic condition. Having a child after this wouldn't be the best plan. Plus.. organ failure," the doctor says softly. Victor looks at him in his eyes. "Organ failure?!! ORGAN FAILURE?!"

The doctor stands back after Victor's volume of voice. "Are you basically saying my wife, my Nora, is going to die?" he asks him. The doctor stays quiet. "I'll give you some time alone with her. And in case.. that result is a huge possibility, I'd suggest preparing at least. Spend as much time as you can Victor," the doctor says before he heads out of the room. 

Victor Fries sits in silence, his wife resting in the hospital bed. "V-Victor.." He looks up to see Nora waking up slowly. Victor gets up and helps her. "Nora, what happened?" he asks her, caressing her face. She held his hands, "I don't know. I just felt so empty and then I collapsed. Did the doctor say anything?" 

Victor was hesitant. He didn't want to tell his own wife that she could possibly be dying. He had to help. He can't just stand back and let her immune system break her down. Wither her down. But then he remembered. 

The Lotus Virus. 

The exact thing he needed to cure her. He hasn't tested it out but to be completely honest right now.. does he have time? He looks back at her and moves her hair out of her face. "You have a disease. But it's okay, I'm going to make things right. I'm going to save you my love," he says with his attention all on her eyes. She smiled a weak smile. 

"We're going to be okay right..?"


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