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Sunday, December 17th. GCPD-

Detective Yin guided her men as they brought in the cryochamber, with Nora Fries in it. "This a good idea, Jim?" she asked the commissioner next to her. Gordon nodded. "The chances of Victor finding that cure are slim, and he's missing. Bringing her here means he'll come here, then we can ask some questions." 

Yin sighed. "This feels wrong. We went through that footage Jim, the man is broken right now. He has to be," she says. "Nobody's found him. Ramirez has been looking non-stop. He's going to find out she's not at the lab, then he'll come. It's going to be okay Yin," he responds. 

"Dad!" Barbara runs over to them. She's in her police uniform, with a huge smile on her face. "Hey sweetie," Jim said as he hugged her. She hugs back and sees the cryochamber. "Oh my God, is that the frozen Fries?" she asks. Jim nodded.

"We're going to try and have some of our men get on it while we wait for Victor's arrival. I have something important for you though. You will be working with Ramirez and Yin on the Lotus stealing, we still need to get on that," he tells his daughter. 

She smiles brightly. She's finally doing what she's been wanting for so long. "Alright that's great!" Yin nods, "Okay then, come on. We're gonna get started right away. Update me on all of this boss." Gordon nods and hugs Barbara goodbye before she heads off on her new case.


Batman drops in a room. He looks around. After finding Selena's blood at the lab, he immediately went to find her. 

He sees her cat on her bed. "Selina," he calls out. A couple of footsteps start making noise behind him. A whip is swung around his neck all of a sudden. He quickly puts his hands in front to stop it from wrapping. 

Batman grabs it, swinging it and the person holding the whip, across the room. Selina Kyle, in her Catwoman attire, stood in front of him. "Didn't think I'd see you back here again, look I want to talk about-"

He grunted. She stopped talking and took a close look at him. "Uhh you okay?" 

"Why did you do it?" he asked her. Selina takes a step back as he takes a step forward. "The Lotus Virus. You know what I'm talking about, why? Where?"

He got closer. She put her hands on his chest, stopping him. "Bruce-"

Batman takes her hands off. "Where is it? Talk, now Selina." She sighs and sits back against her bed. "I didn't want to. You know me, I do it for the money. I was hired-"

"By who?!" he exclaims. She rolls her eyes. "I'm getting there, damn. Look if you're being this hostile because of what happened that night, I'm sorry-" He crossed his arms. "Just tell me everything." 

"Fine, I was hired to steal them by Simon Stagg," she said. Batman's cowl's eyes widen. "Stagg? Victor's longtime friend?" he asks. She nods. "Yeah, didn't tell me why though." 

"And who else were you with? I found your blood there," he said. Selina scoffs, "I tripped on some wrench. I fell and scratched my arm on a part of the desk." She picked up her sleeve to show the cut. It checked out. 

Batman paced back and forth. "Why is this such a big deal? I know you make a regular robbery so big but this seems personal," she says. He looks at her with his specs narrowed. "It is personal. Victor Fries' wife became ill, he froze her. The only way he could save and cure her was with his Lotus virus he created but it was stolen. Now I know who did."

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