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I sat down in the Leclerc's living room and Pascale walked in. I already told her what happend as I always do. She sat down next to me and gave me a cup of tea. 
"Now tell me sweetheart, what happened", she said, and she looked at me with a loved look in her eyes.

I explained everything. From the moment Quinten stood in the door step, he said sorry, I hugged him and the moment I saw Sem again. She knew the story of me and Sem. She is the only one except Arthur who knows it. I rather don't talk about that part of my future. It was horrible and I actually never want to be reminded ever again. How they torned me down, how they humiliated me.

A tear rolled down my face and Pascale hugged me. "I get it is a lot right now sweetie, I do", she hushed me and she hugged me even tighter. "You are a god damn strong woman Eleonorah, the strongest I've ever seen", she said while she looked me in the eye. 
I smiled.

"Now tell me, what is wrong with Kailey", I asked her. Her face turned more serious now. "It is complicated... We absolutely love Kailey, but we don't know her that well. Hervé's sister called me this morning, to tell us that Kailey has cancer. Complicated thing is, that we are not going to be invited at her funeral because we don't know her that good", Pascale explained to me. 

I looked at her. "Jezus, how rude!". 

"Ah well, she will probably be fine", Pascale smiled while she stood up and kissed the crown of my head. She left the room and I got my feet up on the couch. I turned on the television and came across all kinds of silly things. I decided to just go watch SpongeBob.
After 15 minutes of watching Nickelodeon, Charles walked in. He sat down next to me and looked at the television.

"How old were you again?", he said when he saw what i was watching. I giggled. "Twenty", and i looked at him. He also looked at me. I felt myself drowning in his eyes and we came closer. 




"Guys! I want pizz-", Arthur screamed but then he saw what was happening. "Nevermind-", he said and he walked out of the room. He got me and Charles out of out trance and we awkwardly sat normal again. I walked out of the room and leaned over the counter. My head ached an Arthur stood behind me laying a hand on my back. "Eleonorah? You okay?",  Arthur asked while he also leaned over and tried to look at me. I nodded yes and tried to stan up. "Just- just a head ache", i said, while taking some aspirin. Charles also walked in the room and sat down at the kitchen table. "Where is Pascale", I asked casually not paying any attention to Charles. 

Arthur shrugged and then Pierre and Arthur walked in. "You two still here?", I asked them and they just nodded. Then I got a call.

Arthur took my phone and looked at it. 

"Why the actual fuck is Francisca calling you", Arthur asked. "Give me my phone back Arthur", i said, and i took my Phone back. Pierre frowned, I'm not suprised since his girlfriend is calling me.

I walked out of the room and answered the phone. 

"Kika? Are you okay?", I asked her worriedly. She sobbed without saying anything. "Babe what is it!", I asked her when she didn't say anything.

"I'm pregnant El", she sobbed again. 

I couldn't bring out a word. "You are.. You... Oh my god where are you", I said, while I got to the kitchen, picked my car keys and  I walked to the kitchen, grabbed my keys and my sunglasses, and then walked to my car. The boys looked weird but I didn't care about it. Kika is what matters now. "I- I'm already in Monaco, in Pierre's apartment right now", she said silently. 

"I'm on my way sweetheart", I said while I drove my car away to Pierre's apartment. "Hang on girl, Arthur is calling me", I said while driving. She hummed something what looked like an yes and I picked up Arthur.

"Are you gonna tell me why you just ran away?, Arthur asked still astonished. I didn't know what to say and stuttered a little. "I- I... Are you with the boys right now?", I asked him. "Yes I am, why?", Arthur said then. 

"Can you go to a room where the boys can't hear you?", I asked Arthur. 

"On my way miss", I heard.

I explained what happened and that he had to shut up about it to the boys, especially Pierre. I know I can trust Arthur, but you do got to make things extremely clear sometimes. I hung up on him and arrived at Pierre's apartment. I knocked on the door and a red faced Kika immediately opened the door. "Oh god love, come here", I said while hugging her. She sobbed and started to cry again. 

We walked to the living room and we sat down. "I am verry sure that Pierre would love to be a father Kika", I said to her, while rubbing her back. 

She shrugged. "He probable is, but are we ready for it?", she asked me and then looked at me. I looked at her.

I thought about it. She was now 25, 2 years younger then Pierre. A normal age to get a baby is 30, so 27 could do it, but 25? I looked at her dark brown eyes en then i looked behind her. 

"I think you 2 are ready for it", I said while I looked at her en I smiled. "You two are really responsible an caring, and I am very sure you will do it good as parents. But of course, it is your decision if you are ready for it", I smiled. She then hugged me and holded me for 5 seconds. "You are the best El! Charles still doesn't want to date you?", she said while smirking. 

"Oh shut up, i dont like him!", I said laughing. "Yea yea, Arthur told Pierre about the thing this morning... Pierre told me", she said, while raising her eyebrows.

"I- That was nothing...", I said to her while i looked at the ground. "Is the carpet interesting?", Kika said laughing. "Kinda", is answered.

We then joked around a bit and laughed a lot. I decided to post one of our selfies on Instagram.

 I decided to post one of our selfies on Instagram

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I posted it, laughing about my caption.

When people say I'm only in F1 for the drivers i say: Nah, im there for Kika Gomes   @fransesca.cgomes😜

Kika laughed too when she saw the post. "Ur the best", she said.
After some lauging i headed home again. Kika called Pierre to come home and he arrived when i was just leaving. Pierre came up to me. "Any idea why i had to come?", he said to me. I nodded and and then got into my car leaving him confused. When i got home again Arthur stood at the counter again. I hugged him fron behind to scare him.

"Boo", I said to him and he laughed. I let go of him and stood next to him. He was just scrolling his phone and I stole it. I went to Charles his contact en texted him. 

I gave Arthur's phone back who was confused and I made my way to Charles his room

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I gave Arthur's phone back who was confused and I made my way to Charles his room.

The name is... - Charles LeclercWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu