10. The Arena

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The first thing Regulus notices is the sun.

It's warm on his skin, bright in his eyes, making him shudder at the temperature change and squint as he holds up his hand to block his face. The sound of the gunshot still rings in his ears, and the image of Gideon's dead body feels seared into his mind. Why? Why would they do that? Because of—Regulus?

There clearly was a reason for Regulus to see it. They made sure he would see it. To disorient him? To send him to the arena in a state of hysterics? It's working. Regulus is still shaking, his breath coming out choppy, but Gideon...

He'd never want Regulus to let them win.

Regulus thinks he knows. There's something... The outfits, the interviews, the impact he and

James had on the Hallows... Of course Riddle didn't like it. This was a warning. But why Gideon? Why...? It doesn't completely make sense. Regulus can't figure it out, but he can still hear Gideon's voice in his head, telling him to focus.

Inhaling sharply, Regulus can taste the salt in the air. Iron. It makes his teeth ache slightly, and he swallows thickly, his heart thumping along with the large countdown that hangs in the sky in the distance. Big, large numbers that glow, a gamemaker's voice counting down at a steady, sedate pace.

26, 25, 24...

A large field is stretching wide and far in front of Regulus' platform. In the middle of said field is a cave—a big one with a large opening, like a mouth threatening to swallow anyone who gets too close. There are poles with bags and supplies hanging off them scattered in front of the cave, but inside the cave are the weapons.

17, 16, 15...

In front of the poles, before anyone would be able to reach them, there's a wide river that cuts through the entire field. It arcs off in a circle, like it's wrapping around the cave. To reach the cave, they'll have to cross it. The water is red, stark red that flows like blood. A crimson river.

9, 8, 7...

Swallowing, Regulus swivels his head, trying to breathe as his gaze darts around. The platforms are spaced apart, but it doesn't take him long to find James at all. He's hunched over, breathing hard and looking like he's about to vomit. Like he can feel the weight of Regulus' gaze, James turns his head and looks at him. Their eyes meet.

3, 2, 1...

The cannon sounds, and Regulus is running before he even realizes it. Everyone else is, too, he's sure—but he can't focus on that. Running to the weapons first thing is exactly what Sirius said not to do, but the poles are scattered far enough that Regulus can snatch a bag and run directly into the woods surrounding the field on all sides.

Regulus is fast. Very fast. Likely faster than most, and yet there are others that still manage to beat him there, which turns out to be a blessing in disguise. There's a loud splash of water, a scream, and then the cannon sounds again.

It's so unexpected, so abrupt, so quick that Regulus stumbles and falls to the ground before he ever reaches the water. Again: BOOM! People are screaming, and Regulus pushes up on his hands, breathing hard as he looks over to see Mulciber catching Avery by the chest to stop him from going into the river. Someone else—one Regulus doesn't know—isn't so lucky, and their momentum propels them into the water.

Immediately, pale hands break forth from the river to claw at them, yanking them down as they cry out. The scream cuts off, and it takes a minute, and then the cannon sounds again.

Three dead already.

Frantically, Regulus whips his head around, searching for James, trying to see, to make sure of the three, it wasn't—but James is there, scooping Vanity up with an arm right around her stomach, snatching her back and whirling her away right before she goes careening into the water. They stumble and fall, and then Vanity launches to her feet and starts sprinting to the right, towards the forest. James follows.

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