27. Responsibilities

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Remus glances up when Sirius steps into the kitchen, his expression pinched like he's trying very hard not to let it show on his face what he's feeling.

"I'm assuming it didn't go well?" Remus asks carefully, wrapping the sandwich he just finished grilling for Sirius and passing it to him.

"He punched me. Again," Sirius mutters. "He was still sleeping, so he just—reacted. I should have woken him up before touching him."

Remus sighs. "You were just eager to check on him, don't beat yourself up about it."

"Don't have to, do I? He did it for me," Sirius grumbles.

"Oh, stop it." Remus snorts and shakes his head. "I don't see a bruise. Are you hurt?"

Sirius' lips twitch. "No, I'm fine. I blocked it, mostly. In any case, he didn't even realize it happened. Wasn't happy with me when he fully woke up, anyway. Or, well, I don't think he was."

"Still not talking?"

"Not a word. I think he's just doing things to get people to go away, really, so at least that's one way to get him to eat. He doesn't want to come out for breakfast, so would you...?"

"Yeah, I'll bring it to him," Remus assures him.

"Thank you. You're the best." Sirius leans in and pecks him on the mouth, smiling distractedly as he pulls away.

"Anything else I can do?" Remus asks.

"Unless you can coax him into a shower..." Sirius' smile falls, and he starts chewing on his lip, his habitual concern taking over once more. "He's—well, he's afraid of water, I think. Can't say I blame him, but he's going to have to take a shower at some point. They'll make him before his interviews, and if he refuses, it won't be pretty. I just—I don't know how to..."

"I'll see what I can do," Remus murmurs, his heart sinking in his chest. "Have you seen Pandora?"

"James said he didn't mind seeing her, so she's already gone off to visit him." Sirius glances up at the clock on the wall with a small frown. "I really should be going. They're giving James his cane soon, and I have a meeting before he's released."

Remus blinks. "With who?"

"People who are going to tell me when the interview is," Sirius says. "I'll update you when I get back, yeah?"

"Alright," Remus replies.

Sirius nods quickly, clearly still distracted, and he once again leans in to give Remus a quick kiss, this time on the cheek in parting. Remus has his hands full with finishing breakfast, so he can only lean into the contact, and then he watches Sirius leave with a quiet sigh. Life is rarely kind, and he finds it particularly cruel for not giving them enough time together.

It's quiet in the suite once more when Sirius is gone, as well as Pandora. Remus finds the silence foreboding somehow, like an omen of what's to come when they're all gone for real.

Breakfast isn't too heavy, just something light that Regulus can keep down. It takes a bit for Remus to actually work up the courage to go and knock, because there's something deeply unsettling about the dead look in Regulus' eyes every time Remus sees them. He's not entirely sure how to appropriately treat him. Gently, with care? Or as if nothing has happened?

There's no answer when Remus knocks, but there never is, not for anyone. It's just a warning so he doesn't react explosively at someone intruding on his space. Carefully, Remus nudges the door open and peeks in. As expected, the room is empty.

Regulus has taken to sitting out on the balcony. Remus isn't entirely sure why, but he seems to prefer it out there than anywhere else. Remus would think that the sounds of the city would be overwhelming, after everything, but something about the location seems to bring Regulus comfort anyway.

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