46. Clinging

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The first thing Sirius does as soon as he makes it back to the suite is throw himself into a tight hug with Remus, exhaling in relief as he holds onto him, eyes drifting shut. He tucks his face down against Remus' shoulder, breathing him in, the tension draining out of him slowly, in increments.

It had been awful, just waiting, not knowing if the last time he saw Remus would be the last time he ever got to see him. Not knowing if he'd ever see James again. Not knowing if he, along with his brother and all the tributes he was waiting with, were about to be killed for their blatant act of rebellion.

None of them had spoken. There had been a heavy silence in the room, but there remained an unspoken agreement not to simply take whatever was coming lying down. They'd all braced themselves, tense and at the ready, the moment that a group of Aurors had come sweeping into the room.

In the end, they had simply been...let go.

Just like that.

Maybe it shouldn't have surprised Sirius. After all, why waste the ammunition to kill them now, when all but one will be dead soon enough anyway? And in such a way that it'll be profitable, too.

Yet, it did surprise Sirius. For a moment there, he genuinely believed that was it.

The relief of still having more time is overwhelming, and all he wants to do is be with Remus. They have so little time overall, especially since Remus will have no choice but to go back to his cell soon. Sirius just wants to hold onto him forever.

"Hi," Sirius whispers.

"Hi," Remus replies, gently. His warm hands cup Sirius' sides, the blunt tips of his fingers curving around Sirius' ribs. For a moment, Sirius wants Remus to crack him open and fold himself inside; just live there, stay there, in him.

"I thought—" Sirius stops, then swallows past the lump in his throat, squeezing his eyes shut even harder. He exhales and tightens his grip. "I love you. I really fucking do."

"I was worried. I mean, I was—well, at first I was...ah, rather delighted," Remus admits, sounding sheepish, "but that was just because of what you said in your interview, and then things escalated, and I—I—"

Sirius clears his throat and pulls back to give Remus a trembling smile. "Liked that, did you?"

"You were right," Remus murmurs. "No one loves you as I do. No one ever will, Sirius, I can promise you that."

"I believe that, actually," Sirius admits with a weak chuckle, slowly easing back, as much as he hates to. "James?"

"In his room. He's been panicking. I was—well, actually I was getting him a glass of water," Remus tells him. He flicks his gaze over Sirius' shoulder, towards where Pandora is with Regulus off to the side, murmuring to him. "You should—I, ah, think you should go see James."

"Alright, but—but wait for me in my room?" Sirius asks hopefully, holding his gaze.

Remus nods. "Yeah, of course I will."

"Check on Reggie first, though, would you?" Sirius mumbles, because even through all of that, Regulus still wouldn't talk to him. Still won't, even now. What is he going to do, just ignore Sirius in the arena, too? He's so fucking stubborn.

"Okay," Remus agrees, then sways in to kiss him quickly, right at the corner of his mouth, pulling away swiftly like if he doesn't, he never will. Sirius gets it. He feels the same.

They break apart and go in separate directions, Remus heading for Regulus and Sirius heading for James. When Sirius reaches the door, he doesn't bother to knock, just turns the handle and steps inside. James' head lifts. He's sitting on the edge of the bed, and the moment he sees Sirius, he shoves to his feet and rushes forward to snatch Sirius into his arms.

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