48. Strings

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Everything I do in that arena, it's for you.

James turns those words over in his head as he stares at the screen, watching Regulus walk among a group of six other death eaters. Other. Because there's seven.

Because Regulus is one of them.

Everything I do in that arena, it's for you.

The swiftness in which Sirius and Regulus killed hadn't surprised James. He didn't really think about it, what they would do in the arena, because he was too busy doing everything he could not to think of any of that, to focus on his anger before his fear, because he knew, even then, that only one of them could get better. Deep down, James knew that, whatever kills Sirius and Regulus made, he wouldn't blame or judge them for it. He didn't the first time, after all.

It hadn't shocked James, really, to see Sirius snap a man's neck almost effortlessly, not past the initial surprise of seeing him do it after eleven years of him being away from the violence the arena draws out of someone. Honestly, James' own hands had twitched with the urge to rip Henri apart for daring to strangle Regulus; it had been one of the most terrifying moments of James' life, seeing

Regulus in danger and not being able to do anything about it. While Remus had sucked in a sharp breath the moment Sirius killed Henri, James had exhaled in reflexive, selfish relief, because Regulus was safe.

What had shocked James was watching Regulus sucker-punch Sirius, steal his supplies, then leave him behind.

Everything I do in that arena, it's for you.

James hadn't been prepared for it. Much like Sirius, he had just stared, slack-jawed, entirely disbelieving. Pandora had covered her mouth with her hand, and Remus—well, he had pressed his lips into a thin line and narrowed his eyes.

Even here, apart, James is so in tune with Sirius that his initial instinct was to revolt against the idea of Regulus being a death eater, just like Sirius, when Marlene suggested it. Marlene, who is sporting a new haircut that looks great on her. Marlene, who broke down in Sirius' arms and explained for the whole world to see that her parents were killed before her eyes. The camera did not shift away; it lingered, letting everyone see it.

A threat of what Riddle could do? Possibly. James thinks it's a double-edged sword, though. People who are afraid much prefer to hone in on their anger. He would know.

So, James didn't really believe, any more than Sirius, that Regulus was a death eater. Frankly, just watching Regulus and Sirius being back in the arena has been rough on his frayed nerves. Sirius, at least, had a group of people to stay with.

Regulus, to start with, did not.

Or so it seemed.

Everything I do in that arena, it's for you.

He ran into the maze, and so he was alone. James had wanted to groan and bang his head against the wall because of how stubborn Regulus is. James loves him so fucking much, but he is genuinely such a contrarian bastard. Most of the time, this is something James finds endearing.

When Regulus is sprinting into a maze alone, away from his brother?

Not so much.

Things went awry, because of course they did. Thorfinn Rowle. A death eater. Someone who suggested that Regulus was an ally of some sort, which James instantly disregarded, despite the familiarity in which they spoke.

It hadn't mattered anyway, in the end, because Regulus killed him. Quickly. He just struck like a fucking snake, absolutely no hesitation, and James knew—he thought—well, it seemed like Regulus was doing it for Sirius, because it was Sirius that Thorfinn made the mistake of threatening.

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