Devil Doesn't Bargain

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During the 14th century, there were people who lived in a shaggy, desolated village close to the rivers of Eastern Europe. It was the time before vampires, werewolves, mermaids, witches, and sirens became more than a mere existence for humans. A period where nobody was aware of anyone or anything supernatural and otherworldly as they all believed in the phrase, "Life is simple. What you see is what you get. No such thing as magic."

There was once a boy who experienced no joy in living. 

He was horribly neglected by his parents who loved his brother more. 

One bright spring afternoon, the house buzzed with excitement. It was his brother's birthday, a day that his parents had been planning for with great enthusiasm. The boy watched from a corner of the room as his father beamed down at his brother, ruffling his hair affectionately.

"Today is your birthday, little lad!" his father said, his voice warm with affection. "You'll be 9 real soon!"

His mother, her eyes sparkling with joy, added, "Aren't you happy? You can have all your friends over, and we've got so many splendid surprises planned just for you!"

The boy's little brother was ecstatic.  "Yay, I'm so excited!"

As the boy listened, a knot of sadness tightened in his chest. His own birthday was only a month away, but he knew there would be no such celebration for him. Gathering his courage, he asked quietly, "My birthday is coming up next month... Will I get a new teddy bear?"

His father's expression shifted from warmth to indifference. "You don't need a new one," he replied curtly. "Be thankful for the one we gave you when you were born."

His mother didn't even look up from the decorations she was arranging. "Not a lot of kids your age play with toys anyway," she added dismissively. "You should learn to be more grateful."

The boy was very upset, knowing once again, that his desires were of little consequence to them. The simple wish for a new teddy bear, something that would bring him comfort, was brushed aside as if it didn't matter at all. He turned away, hiding the tears that threatened to spill over, and retreated to his small, lonely corner of the world. 

His family ignored his needs since they thought he was a mistake.

At school, he didn't have it easy either.

Kids regularly bullied him.

One afternoon, as he played alone in the schoolyard, three boys decided to make him their target. The ringleader, a boy with solid blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, stood out in his fancy clothes adorned with intricate embroidery. He sneered at the boy's ragged attire, his voice dripping with disdain.

"What a pity your family can't afford to give you things like mine can," the ringleader taunted, his gaze raking over the boy's worn-out clothes.

The boy glanced down as he tried to ignore them, but the insults kept coming.

"Don't you ever get tired of wearing those filthy rags?" one of the ringleader's friends jeered. 

"Too bad your family doesn't care," the other boy had a mocking laugh. "Otherwise, you wouldn't be showing up in those poor, unfortunate rags." 

Another boy spoke up to mock him as well. "Too bad your family doesn't care...Otherwise you won't be showing up wearing poor, unfortunate rags!"

They all laughed at the boy's face.

10 years passed and the boy turned into a man.

It was around that time he became smitten with a woman of his age who was new to the small village.

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