Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Clues of the past

Disclaimer: The other 2 mentioned archaic gods are ocs from my online friends, i did it with permission

If this font is in a paragraph it means that its only thoughts and not being spoken out


"Did you know about the archaic gods?"

You with Xie Lian and Lang Qianqiu stopped on your tracks hearing Qingxuan. You and Qianqiu looked at each other's eyes, meaning you two don't know the answer.

"Oh i know them, they're powerful and famous and succeeds the popularity of the 4 famous tales" Xie Lian replied "Ehh you know them your highness?" Qingxuans eyes shined

"Me and (Name)-jie don't know too"

"Well Lang Qianqiu, here's a story time while we walk" Qingxuan opened her fan "His highness Xie Lian has more knowledge than me about the archaic gods, can you do the honor?" and eyed Xie Lian who nervously laughed

He coughed and went to explain about the 4 archaic gods..

The 4 archaic gods were different from the rest of the gods.

Their difference is that...they do not need followers, worshippers to maintain their power. They were simply called "gods" for their inhumane power and intellect, but that doesn't mean they can't have worshippers

They are ranked by power and status, starting at the bottom we have the fourth...

Fourth archaic God, The Artisan. His real name is Joshue. The God of Dexterity.

With a brush on his hands, a perfect illustration and painting, is enough to bring it to life. In battle, he carries his paintbrush everywhere and anywhere. If he wants a sword, he will draw it and summon it to his hands. He is ranked as the lowest for a reason, because the paintbrush is his source of power, without it he is considered a  regular person. Infact, mortals and other gods debate that the paintbrush should be called a God and not the one who wields it

"Judging by what you said it's like a debate of which is more powerful, a slave that can fight or its master with riches" Qingxuan said and Qianqiu agreed with her

"Did you know that alot of gods always hope for his downfall to obtain the legendary paintbrush? Atleast thats what gods do 800 years ago, not sure about now''

"You're right your highness, even gods in the upper court still does it, nothings change" Qingxuan replied with a frown and Xie Lian proceeded with the next god

Third Archaic God, The Cosmo. His true name is Neji. The God of Cosmos

He has the powers to manipulate planets and space, and can summon blinding stars enough to blind someone. If he wants to, with one flick of his fingers he can bring any planet to his command, and thus he can choose between blinding you or let the ground swallow you whole or let a storm take you away. Perhaps, summon meteors from the sky to end your life away.

Sometimes, he can cause earthquakes and volcano eruptions because his main ability is to manipulate planets and the space. He is the answer to what if all elemental masters are combined all into one but add the manipulation of the sky?

"Ohhh but...does that mean he has all of the elemental masters powers in his command?" Qianqiu asked "In summary yes"

"No way, if I were to go in battle with him my tornadoes are just childs play in his eyes" Qingxuan whined at the thought of being thrown away by a wind that wasn't made by him

"But that's just a half of his power, I only know little about him and the next one I'm about to mention-" Qingxuan and Qianqiu were flabbergasted at Xie Lian "Wait so they're THAT powerful?" the two said in sync

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