(Arc 2) Chapter 7

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Arc 2: The God-Pleasing Crown Prince

This Arc will contain flashbacks from the past, dating around 800-1000 years ago. Chapter 7 will just be an introduction before we get started. Prepare for the emotional roller coaster and the trauma I will give u (I did it to my genshin readers i will do it here again 😈)

Chapter 7: Arranged Marriage


"Order! Order in the court!"

The princess banged her staff on the floor. Causing everyone to immediately shut up and halt on their movements. The staff was exquisitely beautiful, decorated in ornaments, created with a mixture of gems and powered by none other th princess herself.

A crown, a staff, a fan, these represented her royalty status all throughout the realms.

With an exhausted sigh, the princess slumped back on her seat, her throat swelling. It's been 2 hours since the trial started. The trial was to make sure the Martial god of the southeast was guilty or innocent for...

"Objection your honor! My client here was a victim! She knows and has evidence!" A civil God acting as a lawyer raised his hand.

"Let me remind you all why we are here; We are here to settle this: If his highness prince Chao Cheng is guilty for raping his female devotees and responsible for vandalizing my papa's temples in secret" You said your voice laced with poison, hearing the accusations of rape made your blood boil

"So, let's hear it from Chao Cheng's defender first. Civil God Jing Wen, do you have any testimony?" You were seated on top of everyone, therefore the lawyers or defenders, and the said criminal and their rival were below.

You looked down to see Jing Wen coughing and rolling his scroll down "Your honor, you see, his highness did not rape them. Infact, it was the devotees who asked for it"

"Oh? And do you have any evidence if they asked for it?" The lawyer of a female civil God, his name was Bao Huan. He was defending Lin Jia. She was presumed to be one of Chao Cheng's victims, before he started his raping spree of devotees, she claimed to be the very first victim.

"Ha? Isn't it obvious?" Jing Wen closed his scroll and held like a staff "The female devotees prayers were asking for a better love and sex life. So his highness came down and gave them their wish. Isn't he so kind?"

"Jing Wen." Your stony voice said, catching everyone's attention "May i remind you about  NA 10, Article 2 Section 12? That when a woman and man doesn't consent to sex to a human, god or ghost, it's sexual harassment. This applies to all race and genders."

"Have you forgotten the natural laws? You, a top civil god for centuries already, does not know this? And before this trial started, you were already boasting in the upper court that you can win? What makes you think that way?"

The spectating crowd started whispering to each other

"The princess might be kind and soft but when in court she's not someone you don't want to mess with" A martial god crossed their arms at the sight

"Ha, Jing Wen is done for" a male martial god snickered "He has been so misogynistic for the past centuries but infront of her grace he's a cowering dog" His friend joined in the mocking

To everyone's shock, Jing Wen started laughing.

"Hahaha! Of course i haven't, after all you were the one who created and compiled all the laws!" He stepped forward and tilted his head above to fully face you

"Why the laughing matter? If someone is the jester in the court then it's you" You snapped back.

Everyone watched the whole ordeal, no one dared to say a word, not even Chao Cheng, Lin Jia and Bao Huan. They were all speechless with Jing Wen's audacity.

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