Answer The Phone, Kai | Smut

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Cole carelessly rams himself into his boyfriend, his cock hitting every spot inside of his boyfriend Kai. Causing the fire elemental to recklessly moan aloud. Never has Kai ever been so vocal before. Cole, started to let out a couple sighs and huffs as he tightened his grip onto his boyfriends waist. Sweat and heat was the only thing between them. Besides the sexual tension. Cole was absolutely ruining Kai, so much so that when Kai's phone began ringing he couldn't even fathom that it was in the same room.

"Well, well, well.." Cole chuckled as he slowed his movements down, now thrusting at a more slower pace. "Aren't you going to answer that?" The earth elemental asked.

Please leave a message after the tone. Beep. Kai couldn't quite make out yet who was calling, but he heard the start of his voicemail box being used. "Kai. Listen, I'm going to need you to come pick up Lloyd. He's got into this huge situation and-" He recognized that voice! It was his sister, Nya. As the voicemail box continued, his only thoughts were of Cole. He could feel his boyfriends dick still ramming inside him.

"Cole.." He moaned sloppily as the boy behind him continued ramming himself in the other. "Speak up." Cole whispered in Kai's ear as he grabbed the boys nipple. "Fuck.." Kai groaned, his nipples were the most sensitive. He could feel his legs becoming complete jelly. Then suddenly, the movement stopped. Kai began gasping for air before trying to look behind him.

"Why don't you reply to your sister?" Cole asked as his hands loosened up on Kai's waist.

"Are you crazy?!" Kai asked, still panting. "It seemed pretty urgent to me, Kai." Cole responded as he picked his boyfriends phone up, and threw it over to him. Kai looked at it before he noticed, another phone call coming from his sister. He reached out and swiped right, suddenly he heard his sister.

"Hello.." He said, his voice cracking due to the anxiety he was getting. "Hey, Kai. I'm not sure if you listened to my last voicemail, but you need to go pick Lloyd up from the arcade. It's an emergency." 

Kai had no words, he just laid there until he suddenly felt a snap of movement. "Fuck.." Kai groaned, Cole's thrusting techniques were always so good. "Yeah, It's pretty bad. Does this mean you're going?" Nya asked through the phone. The brunette found himself in a horrible position. One literally, and one not so literally.

"Are you going to answer her?" Cole whispered into his boyfriends ear, his grip on Kai's hips tightening once again as he thrusted full force into him. The bed shook violently. "Fuck.. ohhh-kay. Yeaaaah.." Kai replied to his sister. Drool slipping out of his mouth, his eyes rolling back, and his ass being completely destroyed.

"Are you okay?" His sister asked, her voice seeming genuinely worried. Kai hummed in response. "Okay.. I'll see you at 5." Soon as Nya ended the call, Cole went all out. He fucked the boy below him to a pulp. The speed Cole had been going at was nothing compared to the roughness Kai felt when his boyfriend slammed into him.

"Cole.. please." Kai whimpered for once. Cole grunted in response. "Please what, firecracker?" He asked, his dick still banging into his boyfriends ass. The recoil was fairly satisfying, the rock ninja had thought. "Please finish me.." Kai felt like a dog begging this way, but he knew he needed to go pick up Lloyd. "What's the magic word?" Cole was only teasing, but seeing his boyfriend actually beg.. it turned him on more than before.

Kai was hesitant to say, but he finally gave in. "Please.. finish ruining me?" Kai asked in a shaky voice, he was already nearing the edge of his orgasm. Cole slowed down his rocking hips and pulled out. Quickly flipping his boyfriend over to face him.

Cole entered himself into his boyfriend, lowering his head and leaning in closely before giving Kai a kiss on the lips. He held both Kai's thighs, and began thrusting roughly into the boy. He could feel how warm his boyfriend felt wrapped around his cock. Kai groaned as his hands wandered to his own dick, pumping it as fast as he could.

"Cole.. I'm going to cum.." Kai moaned as his body finally gave out, cum shot out onto his own stomach. He threw his head back as he rode his high. Cole leaned closer to Kai, nibbling on his neck before shooting his own semen inside of his boyfriend. Both sweating and panting.

"Fuck.." The only word Kai managed to say as he looked up at his boyfriend. "Oh? A second round then." Cole joked as Kai could only smirk up at him. "Mm, I don't know. You need to be worthy to handle all of this." Kai stated. His forehead beaded with sweat, and cum still inside and on him. Cole quickly pulled out. "If you want a second round, you better get to sucking." Cole said, his tone of voice still not sounding too serious. Kai obeyed and changed their position so that he could suck his boyfriend Cole off. Completely forgetting about his duty with picking Lloyd up from school.

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