Caught On The Gram II | Lava |Series

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eventual smut
extreme flirting
high mentions of sex

-In Ninjago City

"Look, it's Cole and Kai! The ninja!!" A little girl screamed as she watched both of them walk into the restaurant. Both avoided making physical contact with each other, trying their best to play it off as if they were just friends. But what they didn't know was that both minipix's had been keeping an eye on Cole and Kai since they left the monastery.

"Kai! Cole! I'm your biggest fan, can I please get an autograph?" Soon, people started to swarm around the ninja. Asking for autographs and or signatures on random objects.

"Shoo! Shoo." The store manager and security tried their best to let Cole and Kai get their own space away from the crowd. Both ninja's were taken to a booth that was away from anyone's eye. A special booth with glittering lights above, and beautiful red roses in the middle.

"Thank you, that was overwhelming to say the least." Cole thanked the manager as he took a seat, opposite of Kai. "No need to thank me. I should be thanking you ninja, the amount of times you've saved ninjago is remarkable." The manager said in return. "Uh so can we order now?" Kai asked in a rude manner.

"Kai!" Cole yelled as he cocked his head to the side. "What? We save the day yada-yada. We make you happy blah-blah-blah. You're more than welcome, but I'm starving." Kai complained.

"Ah-uh–yes! What would you like to eat sir?"

"Scratch that, me and Cole have an urgent meeting to attend. We'll be right back" Kai says, but with a huge smirk on his face. Cole notices the smirk, knowing Kai is up to something. "I- Take your time! Your waitress will be waiting for your arrival." The manager bows his head before heading off to the kitchen. Kai then pulls Cole out of his seat and leads him to the public restroom in the restaurant.

"What are we doing in he-" Cole gets cut off admittedly by being pushed against the restroom stall door. Kai grabs his face with both hands before kissing him. Cole can only struggle to open the stall door behind him that thankfully wasn't occupied. It seemed that only one stall was occupied by someone. Cole felt embarrassed to say the least. As Kai took a step into the stall door, he then locked the lock behind him after he closed the door well. Still locking lips with the black ninja. Soon as their lips parted, Cole tried to catch his breath but couldn't. Kai just went back in for more. The kiss seemingly started to get heated. When Kai parted their lips for the second time, he finally spoke. "I wonder what your surprise is going to be." Kai said as he hungrily kissed Cole's neck. Cole groaned as he wrapped his hands around Kai's waist. Kai was of course fit, but Cole was more muscular than Kai.

"If you let me go, we could finish our dinner-" Cole got cut off yet again, "You're my dinner." Kai flirted before kissing the black ninja again. This time Cole seemed to be into it much more, the heavy breathing and the rubbing of genitals got so rough that Kai had to moan out loud. A moan that you would hear in the bedroom when nobody was around. Cole admittedly kissed the boy harder in an attempt to shut him up, but it seemed to only fuel the fire more. Soon Cole found himself whimpering, the grinding on each other and sloppy kissing started to get to him as well.

Bam bam bam. A knock at the public restroom door. Kai stopped for a second, Cole did as well. Hearts beating fast, sweat starting to form, genitals urging to be relieved. "Up there." Kai pointed at a vent. Cole nodded in agreement. Their only way to escape without being seen.

-Back at The Underground Base

Pixel had gone to help Sensei Wu with tomorrow's training plans, so Zane stayed behind to watch the footage off of Minipix's video camera. He was stunned to say the least. The grinding and heavy petting had him at a loss for words.

"This would have to mean.. They're in a secret relationship. Or it is possible it could be just a fling, but judging on how Cole treated Kai before leaving the monastery there's more of a chance of it being a relationship than a fling." Zane said aloud. He took his phone out and opened up the messages app. "Pixel.. You need to see this." Zane started as he pressed on the voice recording option. "I think Kai and Cole might secretly be together.. There is evidence on both Kai and Cole's minipix's to prove my theory. Hurry back here fast." As soon as Zane finished his sentence he ended the voice recording. On the lookout for what might happen with those two next.

Thankfully, Zane found himself getting a voice recording from Pixel in absolute no time. He opened it up and listened. "Zane, I'm heading back down to the base. I need you to pull up on a separate screen what they have done when I wasn't there so then we can also keep track of what they're doing on the other screen." Pixel sounded exhausted, but in a hurry. Zane did exactly what he was asked until he saw both Cole and Kai checking into what seemed to be a hotel? He zoomed in just as he finished setting up, and moderated their every move. Cole was holding Kai's lower body with one hand, while Kai seemed to be on his phone.

-Ninjago City Hotel

"Shit, I'm so horny." Kai mumbled as he pressed the elevator door button. Cole then let go of his waist and laughed a bit to himself. "I'm glad you think this is funny." Kai rolled his eyes, and stepped into the elevator soon as the doors opened. "Sorry, hotshot. Just find it hilarious how all your plans always go to waste." Cole then said back as pressed their hotel floor on the panel.

"Couldn't we just.. Makeout here?" Kai made his cocky smirk again before advancing his way onto Cole. "I-The door.." Cole managed to whisper before the elevator doors opened. Kai sighed as he walked out, Cole following closely behind.

"Our hotel room number?" Kai asked as he turned to look at the black ninja. "Two hundred and twenty-four." The black ninja replied. "Right there." The red ninja pointed before rushing over to the room. "Keys, Cole." Kai demanded. "What do you think I'm doing." Cole said back before handing over the hotel door keys to his secret boyfriend. Kai snatched them up before opening the hotel door. Soon as the hotel door closed behind the two ninja's, their hands were all over each other. Cole, had gotten a lot rougher with Kai.

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