Delilah's POV
Lucy comes running into my room and continuously pokes my arm until I acknowledge her.
"Yes, Lucy?" I ask, turning away from my phone and looking at Lucy.
"Mommy wants to talk to you," she says, running out of my room giggling.
I find my mom downstairs folding laundry.
"Lucy said you wanted to talk?" I ask quietly. I'm not sure what there is to talk about, I haven't done anything bad lately as far as I know.
"About Luke!" Lucy yells happily from where she's sitting.
I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. "What about Luke?" I ask.
"I think it would be a nice idea to invite him over for dinner," my mom says, smiling.
"He's already been over for dinner once. At Thanksgiving."
"I know, but that was a long time ago. You always seem to be with him now, and I know you two are dating. I just think it would be a good idea. So we can know him more, now that he's talking and spending so much time with you."
I shrug. I don't really want Luke over for dinner with my family. It might be awkward, and he might feel really nervous. With his parents, it's different. I've known his dad for a few years, and his mom was really easy to talk to. But Luke is Luke, and my parents are my parents.
"I guess I can ask him. He'll probably say no," I tell my mom. "Is that all you wanted to talk about?"
My mom nods. "Great! He can come over tonight if he's free!"
"Okay, I'll call him right now," I tell my mom, trying to sound as excited as she does.
I call Luke, and he picks up after a few rings.
"Hey!" he says happily.
"Are you free tonight?"
"Yeah, I'm free, like, 99.9% of my life," he says laughing.
"Right. My mom wants you to come over for dinner. Only if you want to."
"Your mom?"
I realize how awkward that sounds. "Well, me too. But it's my mom's idea. She wants to get to know you better. You don't have to. I understand if you don't."
"Yeah, sure."
"Mm hmm. Your mom should know who you're dating! Plus, I wasn't exactly a nice guest last time. She probably doesn't like me that much right now."
I laugh. "No, she does. She just thinks you're quiet."
Luke laughs quietly. "So what time should I come over?"
"Whenever you want, I guess."
"Is now good?"
I smile. "Yeah, now is good."
"Okay, be right there."
I go tell my mom that Luke is coming, and she seems way more excited than she should be. Lucy is equally excited.
A few minutes later, Luke knocks at the door. Usually he just walks in because he knows I'm the only one home, or it's only Lucy and me. I guess he's trying to make a good impression now.
I open the door, and Luke smiles widely.
"Hey," he says, kissing me quickly.
I smile. "Hi."

Taking Chances (Remember to Forget Sequel)
FanfictionRemember To Forget Sequel "Sometimes you lose someone, and it changes your life forever. But then, you find someone new and end up taking chances." Copyright to _smilelikeniall. Everything written by me unless stated otherwise. Please do not use my...