Remember to Forget is officially out now! I didn't have a chance to post here yesterday! I remember announcing last July that I was publishing it. It feels like it has been forever since then! I can not believe the release day is here. Thank you for all the kind messages, I am so happy to know you are excited. I hope you have the book or are getting it soon! I also hope to see you at one of the book signings! The schedule for my book signing is on my website. :)
I unfortunately do not know what international areas RTF is being sold in. If you do not know where you can get the book or you can't find it anywhere, bookdepository.com ships worldwide! If you live in the United States and want to know what stores around you are selling RTF, indiebound.org allows you to put in your zip code and tells you all the stores RTF is in near you!
It'd be super awesome if you could leave a review of RTF on some websites like CBD.com or Amazon. Websites like to see reviews, so I thought I'd ask you! I'd really love if you did. If you use names in the review, make sure you use Levi, Caleb, Aiden, and Mitchell, not the names of 5SOS. I don't want to confuse people! :)
Thank you for sticking with me and waiting so long. You are the best! Your support means so much to me. I can't wait to see what the next few months bring for us!
Sorry this isn't an update. I'll try to soon, but I'm extremely busy the next few weeks so I hope you understand. <3
Also a lot of people still don't realize I have twitter and instagram for some reason haha. My twitters are singsongash and RTFbook. My instagram is aer98. My website is ashleyroyer.com lol
Love you!!
(this post will be deleted in like a week just fyi)

Taking Chances (Remember to Forget Sequel)
FanfictionRemember To Forget Sequel "Sometimes you lose someone, and it changes your life forever. But then, you find someone new and end up taking chances." Copyright to _smilelikeniall. Everything written by me unless stated otherwise. Please do not use my...