Chapter 3

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Sandra's POV

This is the day where I will go to the set of my favorite show and work with the cast. I entered the set and saw Blaze, I then approached him.

"Hi, Blaze." I said a he turned around to look at me.

"Oh, you must be Sandra that Steel was talking about." Blaze said.

"Yep. That's me." I said.

Suddenly the director called me and told me to get to my place and get ready because a scene where I'm in is ready to roll.

"Ready? Lights, camera and action." The director said.

My character was taken up to the top building, like the rooftop and these evil gang is trying to drop me of the edge. I keep struggling to let go but its not working.

"Let me go." My character said.

"What if we don't want to?" One of the gang spoke up.

"Then you'll have to face me." Steel's character said as he enter the scene and do a fighting stance.

"Get him." The leader of the gang spoke up as they charge at him.

While they are fighting, I was busy untying myself from all the ropes they bind at me. After Steel's character knocked them all out, he ran to me to help me as soon I was done unbinding myself , I'm starting to slip and was about to fall off the edge of the building rooftop when suddenly a pair of strong arms caught me before falling off. I look at Steel's character who caught me, his hand holding on to one of my arms and his other hand is holding on to my back to prevent me from falling off. I look to his eyes and he looks at mine.

Maybe Cleo is right. I wont be able to stop love because I am starting to fall for this boy but I'm still not sure if this love is definitely for me. Suddenly the voice of the director snapped me out of my thoughts.

"And cut. That was awesome everybody." The director said.

I immediately pulled away from Steel and the director then approached me, while Steel went to Blaze.

"What you did was great, Sandra. You are a natural. Keep that great work and you might be the new character for this show." The director said.

"Thank you for choosing me in this opportunity to be part of this wonderful project." I said to my director.

"Your welcome. When I see potential and passion, I take them and mold them into something more." he said as I nod and smiled, and then he left to go to the cameraman.

Blaze and Steel then approached me.

"Wow! That was amazing. You already have impressed the director on your first day." Blaze said as I simply thanked him. "Anyways, Steel and I are going to the GB to meet the others. Want to come with us?" Blaze added.

"Yeah, Ravi is gonna pick us up now after this." Steel said.

"Of course. I would really love to see it." I replied.

We all ride at one of GB cars and Ravi drove it. Blaze sat on the front sit, while I sat at the back with Steel. Steel and I talk and laugh for the rest of the car ride, until we have arrived.

At Grid Battleforce... The four of us then entered but I was stopped by a girl and a boy.

"ID?" the girl asked me.

"I don't have one yet." I replied.

"Without your ID, you can't enter." The boy said.

"It's okay Ben and Betty. She's my cousin. She'll have her ID soon." Ravi said.

Wait, they must be the Ben and Betty, Ravi told me about.

"Cousin? You have a cousin?" Betty said confusingly.

"We don't know you have a cousin, Ravi." Ben said.

"Don't worry, Ben and Betty, so did we. We didn't know either." Blaze said.

"Yeah, he never mentioned her to us." Steel added.

"Its nice to finally meet you, Ben and Betty. Ravi told me all about you guys." I said to them.

"He did? Of course he did! We are awesome. Right, Ben?" Betty said.

"Yes, we are, Sis." Well it's nice to meet you, Ravi's cousin." Ben said.

"It's Cassandra but I prefer to be called Sandra." I said.

"It's nice to meet you, Sandra. You may now come in." Betty said.

"Thank you." I said smiling at her as I enter.

Well, I think this day is nice. I've met two people that Ravi talked about in his email and they are really nice. But my mind still went back to Steel. I really need to talk to a girl about this. I can't talk to Cleo right now because for sure, she is busy. What about Zoey? No, she might tell Nate and Nate will tell Steel. That is gonna be embarrassing. What about Roxy? Yes? But maybe no? She might tell Ravi and Ravi might mention it to Nate and Nate will tell Steel. God, why this have to be confusing and I don't know what to do.

Steel's POV

My mind is still going back to the acting scene that Sandra and I have earlier. Sandra has a really beautiful eyes. I also really like her smile. Seriously I need someone to talk to my feelings and I don't know who because I'm afraid they might slip and mention it to Sandra. God, I don't know what else to do. I just hope I can tell my feelings to her one day and she will feel the same about it.

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