Apartment Invasion

591 22 14

Author's Note

Just to let everyone know, I'm not that good at writing fight scenes, but I do try, so I hope you like it.


The door instantly flew open and Ghostface pushed Quinn. Her body knocked over Annika down and she screamed that a dead Quinn was on her. Sam pulled Quinn off her as Mindy and I just stared in horror at Ghostface who had somehow got into our apartment. I didn't even pay attention that Chad and Tara left somewhere. I was too focused on the killer in front of me, standing at Quinn's bedroom doorway.

"Oh, fuck!" Mindy cursed and then cried out in pain when Ghostface slashed across her arm.

"Mindy!" Sam and I exclaimed for her.

"Stay the fuck back!" I heard Annika shout at Ghostface while Sam and I ran to the kitchen for a weapon.

We've been searching for one and wanted to get a knife, but they're all gone somehow. That's weird. How could all the knives be gone? Unless someone wanted them to be gone on purpose. Since there's no other knives to be found, I grabbed a pan from the stove and decide to use that instead. 

Out of the kitchen, I could hear the bloodcurdling screams from Annika who was being gutted by Ghostface up against the fireplace. I ran toward the killer and whacked him a couple of times over the head with the pan. Once he's knocked down, Sam and I helped Mindy and Annika leave for a bedroom. Sam closed and locked the door before Ghostface can barge in. Mindy and Annika was sitting on the bed, grunting in pain together. I helped Sam to keep the door shut from Ghostface banging on it. 

When the killer suddenly stopped, Sam whispered. "Mindy, Josh, bathroom door, hurry."

Mindy was about to go, but I stopped her since she's injured. Ghostface had cut her deeply and her gash was bleeding profusely.

"I got it, it's okay," I whispered to her and went into the bathroom. From the corner of my eye, I noticed something red, so I looked over to see what it is. I wish I hadn't. There's a guy who got slaughtered in the fucking bathtub. His blood was splattered everywhere. "Holy shit! That's a naked dead guy!" 

Suddenly, Ghostface appeared in the other room and I tried to close the door on him. I kept backing away when he's swinging his knife at me. Sam helped me out to close the door, but he was stronger than the both of us and came into the bathroom. We hurriedly ran out and slammed the other door on him. Mindy came to me for help by pushing the door close as he's banging and kicking on the other side. Her and I pushed a dresser along with Sam to block the door. Sam left to go to the window where Danny was across from the other building. He was going to use our ladder as a bridge to get us over there for safety. It looked crazy, but it might just work.

Sam and Danny connected the ladder from her apartment to mine. I couldn't believe we were actually going to crawl on that thing where we're stories high.

"You three go first!" Sam told us. "Mindy!"

"Fuck no!"


"I need to help Josh with the door! I'll get Annika next! Go!"

"I got the door just fine! You three go first!" I was pushing against the door on my back just like Mindy was.

Sam looked torn like she didn't want to leave us in this way. Then she turned around and crawled on the ladder to Danny. 

"Go, Sam! She's losing a lot of blood!" Mindy saw the large amount of blood loss from her girlfriend. Annika was holding her stomach as more blood leaked out.

"Say something more positive!" She groaned.

It feels like it took forever for Sam to get to my apartment. I knew she was successful thankfully when Sam and Danny's voices was telling us go next.

"You two go! I'll come next!" I told Mindy and pushed against the door myself. "Go!"

With all the strength that Mindy had, she tried her best to help Annika walk over to the door. She set her down on the edge of the bed.

"You have to go first!" Mindy was urging her.

"I can't!" She whimpered.

 "Listen to me, you have to go! You have to go!"

"Mindy, no!" She yelled then tearfully assured her. "I'll be right behind you, I promise."

I grunted when Ghostface was almost breaking through the door. It was about to open and kept budging a few times. When you're only just one person, it's really hard to keep the door shut. 

Mindy gave a kiss to Annika as if this was their last kiss they got to have with each other. I really hope it wasn't.

After Mindy, it's Annika next and began to crawling on the ladder. I could tell Annika wasn't able to do it, but at least she tried to push herself. 

I felt as if I'm losing my strength to push the door back. With one powerful shove, Ghostface opened the door and came in, nearly knocking me down if my back didn't hit against the wall. Ghostface saw me and roughly pushed me down, so he could go over to Annika.

"What?" I heard her ask when the others suddenly went quiet.

Then they continued to encourage Annika to keep going when Ghostface was right behind her. Annika was screaming and crying louder at this point.

I saw Ghostface thrusted his knife down on the windowsill and grabbed the ladder to jerk Annika around, trying to make her fall. My eyes noticed Billy's reflection from the mirror and he was looking to where Ghostface was, but I just knew it's not him he's focusing on. He was staring at the knife then back at me, his eyes flickering at me and the knife. Silently messaging me to get it. I nodded my head as a response. My eyes were glued on the knife that my hands was itching to get. I stood up to quickly dash for the weapon and pull it up out from the windowsill attempting to stab at Ghostface. He caught onto what I'm doing and looked at me to grab hold of my arm, twisting it to get the knife out of my hand.

At least he got distracted from Annika to focus more on fighting me. I'm up against the wall and tried to dodge out of the way from him stabbing me in the chest. When I kept moving, I cried out in pain when the knife penetrated my shoulder. I managed to roughly push him off me and I got knocked to the ground. I saw him going back to the window to taunt Annika more, but I grabbed onto his leg, making him trip, even dropping his knife.

He was about to reach for it, but I stopped him by getting on his back and wrestling on the floor. Throwing punches and giving kicks at every chance we can get at each other. The others' voices for me and Annika was getting louder, growing with more fear for us. I didn't want to lose any of them down by neither of us making it out alive.

Ghostface somehow got on top of me and squeezed tightly onto my throat, choking me. It was getting much difficult to breathe with each second as he's crushing my windpipe. I was even starting to lose consciousness. 

Then before I knew it, I get consumed by blackness.


Author's Note

Yeah, I left this chapter on a cliffhanger on purpose. 😈

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