7. Sorry I messed up

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Win entered the hospital with a bag full of chocolates and candies that Gun likes only to see Gun and New huddled together going through their phone while writing stuff in a notebook.

" Hey there !", New says cheerfully as Win sits near them.

" I'll never regret doing what i did. You got us so much stuff ", Gun remarked as he pulled the bag of sweets from Win.

" So what did you find out , I only read the diary so all I know is that the brothers were plotting revenge against Pim", Win said.

" Well there are a few things we need to investigate. Like in the list she had , she made a heart next to multiple names, one from which was Off. She cut a few names which included yours I am guessing it's those who didn't sleep with her. The ones that are ticked are those she slept with. We still don't know what the heart means", Gun said as he showed the photo of the list to Win.

" As for the photos , she has written one fact about how they are in bed but for Off she made a heart again. Our presumption is she actually fell in love with Off and that's why they date but he wasn't aware of her list. When he found out, they broke up and that explains stuff Pim wrote in her diary", New said.

" How are you ?", Win asked sitting next to Gun.

" Good ", Gun replied while analyzing the photos further.

" Oh btw , you can break up with Bright soon , we got what we needed. We doubt Bright has anything of our use now", New said and Win's face switched to the best smile posible.

" Really , how can I break up with him", Win asked.

" We are still deciding on that , we need a sure way to do it. Our best bet is to make him cheat. Just dump his ass in the middle of the school ", Gun said as the trio laughed.

" We have an alternate plan as well , which is to make him break up himself ", New said.

" Which is ?", Win asked carefully as the duo looked at him with interest.


Win walked in the school in the centre of both his friends while chatting cheerfully. It wasn't an odd sight for anyone anymore seeing Win around the dirty rats but that's when a tight pull came onto Win, it was Bright.
The tension raised as Gun hid behind New who covered the petit boy well.

" What do you think you are doing ?", Bright asked with rage looking deep into Win's eyes.

He is getting too nervous. New thought as he looked at the fear clearly shining in Win's eyes. Win gulped unable to say anything.

" We are just going to class ", New interrupted cause it was clear that Win wasn't gonna go on with the plan.

" With that ?", Bright asked pointing at Gun.

" With him , to be precise. And yes we are going with him cause he is our friend", New said with assertion.

" Why are you still hanging around him don't you remember what he did to you ?", Bright asks while harshly holding Win's hand.

" Leave his hand ", Gun said with strength which made Bright scoff.

" What ?", Bright asked in a challenging voice.

" I had no choice but to do that , Win is better off with everyone except you. You would only hurt him like you are doing now", Gun said with a blank face.

" Looks like the pussy cat got a voice , I am trying to protect him from people like you and not hurt him", Bright said.

" Oh really , then leave his hand and let's see if there is any bruise ", Gun said slowly.

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