18. Just be honest

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June 2013 Summer Kids Tragedy

The weeping lady stood at the podium as thousands of people waited for her to speak up. She took a second to collect herself before saying ,

" Good afternoon everyone , my name is Paima Takulforim and I am the chairman of Hyudai association who is in charge of functioning multiple orphanages. Today I am here to speak up on something which brings grave pain to my heart.
On 12th May 2013 , children of the age group 10- 15 from 15 different orphanages were taken for the special Summer Kids program to Garo Forest.
It was supposed to be a learning camp experience and fun event for the children to finally be able to experience things like field trips and be able to enjoy with their friends while learning helpful skills.
Unfortunately out of the 150 kids that went for the event only 2 returned. While the 148 burned in the forest fire caused by careless inhumane travellers which are now rightfully rotting in jail. Yet the pain and anger in my heart has not died down because those kids lost their entire lives in the worst way possible. They deserved so much more so I hope that you can continue to support those that are left so such things won't happen again."

The lady wiped off her tears as everyone cried with her and reporters flooded her with questions.
After an hour of this the lady walked away to her car. Her husband was driving and two kids sat in the back seat looking outside their respective windows. The lady got in the passenger seat as she let out an annoyed sigh.

" Tired ?", Her husband asked.

" Obviously , I should be awarded for my speech back there , those dumb people fell for it so easily ", Paima said as she tied her hair.

" Did you boys like it ?", She asked out of the blue.

" It was good ", the short one said with a blank face still looking out. The other one was silent which made the lady furrow her eyebrows.

" New ", the first boy said as the other kid snapped out of it.

" Nice speech ", New said as an auto response.

" You guys are so weird ", the lady continued as she played some music and danced while her husband cheered her on.

They are such fucking psycho's. The young duo thought as they looked out.
They drowned in their memories which seemed to start a month ago when they went for the Summer Kids program. The first three days were amazing when they were trekking , camping and enjoying themselves. The fourth day changed everything.
All the kids were taken deep into the forest where they realised something strange. All of them felt like they were losing their strength as they fell to the ground unconscious.

" Where are we ?", Gun heard the crying voice of Mina.

He opened his eyes to see them in some kind of lab. Even New was there.
Both the kids looked at each other and then around , no other kid was there.
The duo seemed to be talking with their eyes until Gun spoke up ,

" This place isn't big enough to divide 150 kids in groups of three and scatter them all over the place."

" That's a smart deduction ", a voice called out to them. It was through a microphone.

" Don't be scared of us , you guys are actually at the safest spot here. Anyhow without any further interruptions let me tell you your task. Your summer camp is our camp now so you listen to us and you don't end in the same fate as your fellow mates", the voice said.

Then it began the inhumane Summer Kids camp where kids were beaten and raised like cattle and finally operations were held where their organs were taken and sold in the black market earning millions. The three were responsible for taking care that the program runs smoothly but Mina couldn't take it anymore so she plotted against the heads and tried to help the kids escape. Gun and New advised her against it as they didn't want to see Mina hurt in case they got caught but she was determined. In acceptance that what she was doing was absolutely correct they supported her with their silence till the end when she was raped and cut into pieces infront of all the kids to know what happens when you plot against the higher ups.
Gun and New were punished as well , Gun was left in scars and the smell of the people that used him while Tay was traumatized by the room's darkness and the nails in his feet.
As the days passed about 10 students were left alive. No place to bury any more bodies was left so they burned all of them down and made a whole cover up.

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