6. Where is Gun ?

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Bright went about searching for his partner as he heard few strange noises in the background.

" Please stop ! I am begging you",Win's voice came.

Bright panicked and followed the sound. He opened the door of the room from where the sound was coming from and was shocked to see a shirtless Win tied up and Gun leaning close to his neck. Gun suddenly backed away. Bright looked at Gun with anger but then he heard the sound of Win crying. As Bright was busy looking at Win, Gun made a run for it.
Bright decided to take Win home. He still wanted to do all the things he planned but when Win flinched at the touch of Bright his heart broke into pieces and anger grew in his veins. He put Win to sleep with utmost care and called Off for help.

Win was scared now, his friends seemed like people who might not care for him but they actually did alot deep down. They knew this would happen if they went on with this plan but they still did it without complaint cause Win didn't want to sleep with Bright. Win started to feel guilty now.
Bright returned to the bed so Win closed his eyes. Bright slightly caressed Win's forehead before leaving a kiss and saying ,

" I'll be out , just keep sleeping."

With that Bright left. When Win was sure that Bright wasn't there anymore he got up and started looking around. It was time to give back to his friends. He needed to find something useful.
He searched around till he found something interesting. A diary and box which was labelled Pim.

Win read through the diary as his eyes widened and he realised what he was falling in. He took pictures of the important stuff. Then he opened the box. First was the list which Pim had of sleeping with everyone. Along with that there were photos of Pim, along with naked photos of the guys she slept with.

She must have taken them when they were asleep.Win assumed as he saw the camera in the box which was also labelled Pim. Win saw how every photo had something written behind them , he started taking pictures without bothering to read them cause he didn't know when Bright would be back.
Once he was done with his lookout he carefully placed everything back how it was and forwarded all the photos he had on their group chat.


(Win attached 39 photos )

Thank you so much Gun and New and I am sorry for what would happen.
Delivered 4:45 p.m
Seen 4:45 p.m

No worries , thanks for the information. We couldn't do it without you. We will handle the rest so you don't need to be concerned about it.
Delivered 4:46 p.m
Seen 4:46 p.m


Win came to school the next day with the stress of what would happen now. His anxiety grew not seeing Gun in class so he headed to the rooftop where he saw New enjoying the view.

" What are you doing ?", Win asked as he walks to New.

" Enjoying the view ", New said rather calm which sent shivers down Win's spine. This extra calmness always meant trouble.

" Where is Gun ?", Win asked and New just smiled before saying ,

" Don't ask ."

" Why ? Where is he ?", Win asked tensed up now.

" Win , I told you don't worry about it. He'll be back in a few days ", New said but Win wasn't gonna back out.

He held onto New's hand tight not letting go.
New sighed and said ,

" He is in the hospital but don't go there right now , we can go afterwards."

Win's heart dropped.

" Why is he in the hospital ?", He asked stuttering.

" Bright ", New simply answered and hugged Win to make him calm down.

" I want you to know , this is not your fault. You have nothing to do with it. If those brats could learn how to be sensitive towards others feelings things like this would never happen",New said as he calmed Win down.

" What are you both doing ?", Tay's strong voice came.

Both of them looked at the door of the rooftop to see Tay and Bright standing there.

" He was crying so I was comforting him", New said innocently.

" Why are you crying ?", Bright asked, concerned.

" Gun's in the hospital ", New said which made rage in Bright's eyes.

" Why would you care about that harasser?", Bright asked with anger in every syllable.

" Gun and us go way back , he is very important to us and Win just feels guilty nothing else ", New said.

" Stop speaking for him , and even you should stay away from that guy , who knows when he would jump",Tay said.

" Tay ! He is my best friend ! He has saved me many times , he won't do that to me", New defended Gun.

" If you wanna save him then go be with him", Tay yelled and left.

Bright was pissed off too so he left as well.New suddenly gripped onto Win tightly and said ,

" Don't you dare confess. Gun went through a lot for this, don't reveal anything to anyone. Just stay upset and guilty for the day and when the school is over leave a drink with a sorry message."

New left the rooftop as well leaving Win depressed and confused. He hates these moments in their plans when everything seems to be falling apart but it actually isn't. Win knew what he has to do in these times is forget everything about himself and blindly follow in to what Gun and New tell him.


Win silently walked to the class next door and on seeing him Bright just moved his head sideways. He was ignoring Win. Win just kept the drink and went home.
He cried rivers back in his room. This was a bit too much for him to handle.

Gun called him. Win looked at the ringing phone for a second before picking up.

On call

Win : Gun !

Gun : Good to see you aren't dead.

Win : I should be saying that !

Gun : But you didn't. Btw, stop worrying so much. Nothing extreme happened and it won't happen on our watch so chill out and enjoy this adventure like we do. Also why didn't you come to visit me ? New came with chocolates you know.

Win : Sorry I was ....

Gun : overwhelmed ? Depressed ? Confused ? Guilty ? All of them.

Win : You already know it.

Gun : No biggie , come tomorrow, I am gonna get discharged.

Win : You are healed now ?

Gun : partially ? I can't pay for anymore.

Win : I'll pay for it , just heal completely.

Gun : Not needed , I am alright. Just come meet me tomorrow. Bye .

Win : Bye.

The call cuts and Win finally sighs in relief. Sometimes he just feels he should run far away from these psychos and not look back to them but at the end of the day he really needs them around him. They are the reason he is still the normal one.

Some day your friends would make you upset someday they'll make you laugh , but everyday they stay with you.

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