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Note: just take this tiny bit of information

Bold: Hailey's thoughts (this is important, memorize this)

Hailey had her revenge all planned out and was walking to band rehearsals, but then she was stopped by a goth looking girl, named Sadie.


"Oh, Hi Sadie. Do you need something?" Hailey asked

"Did Jake join your club?" Sadie asked.

"Well, yeah? He's a great singer!" Hailey answered.

"I thought so, just felt he would have a musical talent."

Hailey looked at Sadie, oddly creeped out

"Just know, if you really do that 'revenge' thing, be smart about it." Sadie said and walked off.

"What the hell? I never said anything to anyone about the revenge..and Sadie barely even knows Jake."

Hailey thought, but then remembered.

It's Sadie, she knows everything apparently. But it shouldn't matter, Sadie wouldn't tell anyone.

Hailey continued walking to the music room for rehearsals.

And after a while, there they were, waiting for Jake to come to band rehearsals.

"And you don't think he has any ulterior motives? Embarrass us on stage in front of everybody?" Zander ranted

"If that happens, I'll just boot him off stage with my foot, simple."

"Then why don't we just boot him out now!?"

"Because Zander, we're supposed to be giving him a chance." Luke spoke up.

"He-" Zander was about to rant even more about Jake annoyingly, but luckily Jake was there to "save the day"

"Uh, did I come at a bad time again?" Jake asked

"You're late. I thought I told you practice was at 12:30 sharp." Hailey said, feeling annoyed.
"Oh, right..my bad. You know what the line is like in the cafeteria!"

"This is starting to feel like a bad idea, he obviously can't even take the club seriously."

"See what I mean? He can't even take rehearsals seriously. He probably won't even show up to the competition!"

"Exactly what I thought Zander, except I don't act like a FUCKING CHILD ABOUT IT."

"Hey! I was only 10 minutes late today..okay, I'm sorry for turning up late, I promise I won't do it again!"

"Yeah right, you would probably do it again."

"Well, the good news is I think I found the perfect beat for our performance! You guys wanna hear it?" Sean said

"Obviously! DJ, hit that track!"

"You got it!"

Sean started playing the beat he found, everyone seems to like it! It's perfect for the competition.

Then the beat stopped,

"What do we think?" Sean asked.

"Sounds great, Sean." Hailey said, not really caring about how the beat will sound in their performance.

"Nice! Now I can finally try making a guitar riff for this thing!"

Then everyone started rambling a little bit about their instruments and roles in the club.

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