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Hailey acts like she can tolerate Jake in the club, it's going well. Jake doesn't deserve a good ending, what kind of bully deserves a good ending? Hailey is a hero in this story, she deserves the good ending.

During class, Milly went to the bathroom. Leaving her diary out on her desk, not very smart of her to do, but what's the worst that could happen?

Not like someone could take it...

Nope, Zoey reached and took it, reading through the pages.

Then Hailey saw Zoey rip out a page from the diary. Hailey doesn't know what exact page..but she knows it's about someone, she overheard Zoey and Lia gossiping about a boy Milly knows..

Usually, Hailey wouldn't listen to this. But she's onto something, and she'll do whatever it takes to hear more about this diary.

And finally, the bell rang, amazing. This was the final class for the day, so the students could finally go home.

Zoey put Milly's diary back on her desk, giggling.

Hailey didn't care. It's not her diary, you think Hailey would tell Milly what Zoey did? Hell no. In fact, Hailey wants to know more. So she just sat there.

Milly walked back to class, grabbing her diary.

"Hey Hailey! Want to practice at my place tomorrow?" Milly asked,

"I would love to, but your place is really chaotic. But we could practice with the rest of the club once we get the chance, is that alright?"

"Sounds good!"

"I'll ask the club later. See you tomorrow at lunchtime rehearsals!" Hailey said and walked off,


Milly is pretty naive, but not this naive. If she finds out about that page from her diary, she'll freak out.

Hailey walked past Lia and Zoey,

"Hey freak, you gonna go practice with your freak club?" One of them said, laughing.

Hailey has the patience to keep her anger inside for now. Those girls will have their karma, Milly beating the shit out of those snakes isn't enough though.


The next day...

As Hailey was walking to her first period with Zander and Sean, she overheard something about a fight and how "the Pink Haired Devil is at it again", Hailey knew what they were talking about, so she alerted Zander and Sean about it.

Unfortunately, Hailey was too late, but what she saw was Luke dealing with Milly and Jake with a black eye.

An argument with Zoey and Milly started happening.

"This must be about the diary." Hailey thought and mentally smiled.

Miss Jones started speaking, cutting the girls off.

"Millicent, violence will not be tolerated in this school..I don't think you realize how close you are to expulsion! If I find you in anymore trouble..you won't be allowed to compete in the band competition!"

Now, this was a threat to the music club, even Hailey felt threatened.

"I will be having a serious conversation with your parents about this. I expect to see you after school in my classroom for detention." Miss Jones stated.

"But she-" Milly cut herself off, "Whatever!" Milly pushed Luke away from her and walked to her class.

As Luke followed Milly, Zoey and Drew were talking a bit of shit.

Hailey spoke up, "Miss, please don't do that, this competition is important to all of us! Milly is an important member of our group, we need her!" Hailey had no idea what to feel about the situation, and began to think Milly's conflict was a waste of time.

"Get over it, Milly. It's not like she's gonna keep that page for further use." Hailey thought


(In the music room...)

"I told you, I'm fine, mind your business!" Milly started to get annoyed with the club.

"You can tell us anything, Milly..what did she do?" Luke asked

"What part of mind your business don't you understand?" Milly asked, full of rage.

"Whatever is happening, we can all deal with it, we're just worried..!" Hailey joined in the conversation.

The conversation was interrupted by Jake walking in the room, late again.

"Woah! Are you okay, Jake? Your eye!" Sean asked, worried, Luke was also kind of worried.

"I'm fine. A certain someone punched me in the face just now.." The club looked at Milly.

"What? I don't like being manhandled." Milly ranted.

"I can tell...anyway, what was that about?" Jake asked

"That's what we're trying to figure out." Zander answered, already annoyed by Jake.

"I said it's none of your business."

"Look, Milly. We all know how you feel about those girls; they harass all of us. You have to stay patient, you know if you get into more trouble, you won't be able to compete in the band competition! You could get expelled..we can't risk losing you, so please, stop fighting!" Hailey gave a speech.

"It's not as simple as that!" Milly complained.

"That's a little selfish, don't you think? Because you can't control your anger, we all have to pay the price! Does the band mean nothing to you?" Zander joined the conversation, not helping at all.

"...You don't understand how I feel, Zander! Those girls have picked on me ever since I entered this hellhole of a school! You can't stop me from fighting, those girls are asking for it!"

"Guys..why don't we just calm down-.." Luke tried to stop the argument, but ended up being cut off by Zander.

"You're not doing yourself any favors. All you're doing is giving yourself an even worse reputation in school!" Zander argued back.

"That's it! I had enough of all of you! Stop trying to control me! Just mind your business and leave me the hell alone!" Milly snapped and walked out of the room.

erm to be continued I HAVENT GIVEN UP YET I PROMISE

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