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Hailey sighed, she's starting to get quite annoyed with Milly, but she still follows Milly out of the club room. As Hailey walked out, she could hear Zander starting another pointless rant.

 As Hailey walked out, she could hear Zander starting another pointless rant

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"You don't need to fight, Milly.." Hailey spoke up.


"What is the point of telling you guys about my problems when all you say is 'Oh Milly you're just being selfish' or 'Oh we can deal with it together'?" Milly made a good point. Hailey stared at Milly for a few seconds, really wondering if the club is that dry.

"See? You can't think of anything to reassure me." Milly interrupted Hailey's thought. Hailey snapped back to reality and answered, "It's not that, Milly, we want to help you, and we can't do that if you don't trust us." Milly gave an annoyed look. "Of course, that's ALL you have to say. If you really want to help, tell your asshole of a brother to get his fucking act up. All of you are always on his side and never anyone else's."

This started to piss Hailey off, Zander is basically irrelevant. He made good points though.

"Milly, you can clearly see that I care. Zander is completely irrelevant to this situation." Hailey argued. Milly is started to look even more pissed than before. "YOU WERE RIGHT THERE WHEN HE CALLED ME SELFISH FOR DEFENDING WHAT'S MINE. This clearly shows that you never listened to me in that specific conversation." Milly rolled her eyes.

"Milly, you don't have to be this way." Hailey tried to reassure Milly. "You aren't even listening to me now." Milly scoffed, and walked away.

"Fine, be that way. Don't come crying to me when your life gets worse." Hailey thought.


As Hailey walked through hall to finally end the day and get the hell out of the school, something caught her eye.

Jake. With Milly. It seems Jake somehow got Milly's diary page back.

Hailey wondered how Jake even got it from ZOEY. And why Milly made such a big deal out of it. Hailey overheard Milly saying, "I was just..embarrassed."

"Embarrassed? EMBARRASSED. That's absolutely stupid. Causing a whole fight, almost getting expelled, and starting an argument with your friends. Just because you were fucking EMBARRASSED?" Hailey was clearly judging Milly, but luckily Milly didn't know that, and she never will.


Milly and Hailey have first period with each other. Milly caught up with Hailey and asked to talk to her.

"Hey Hailey..? I'm sorry for that argument I caused yesterday, I was just embarrassed to say what was up.." Milly apologized

Hailey mentally facepalmed. But decided to apologize too.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for trying to push you into telling me, I wanna be a better friend for you." Hailey didn't mean this at all.

Milly smiled, and Hailey smiled back. The rest of the week went as normal, which was just enough time for Hailey to plot more of her plan.


Katagelophobia - Fear of embarrassment

Traitor Hailey AU by me
The Music Freaks by RosyClozy

Note: these chapters are getting shorter as time goes on

Note: these chapters are getting shorter as time goes on

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