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It was first period, Hailey and Sadie were the only ones in the classroom. The two have bonded over the fact they both help with tutoring students, but there was something off with Sadie. She stared at Hailey, no words. Hailey stared back, clearly confused.

"Is something wrong, Sadie?" Hailey asked. Sadie thought of not answering at first, but changed her mind.

"I wanted to ask..what are you trying to do to Jake?" Sadie replied, expressionless as always. Hailey's eyes widen, she didn't expect anyone to know about what she's doing, specifically because she never told ANYONE about it. Hailey figured she wouldn't be able to lie to Sadie, she started to get pissed.

 Hailey figured she wouldn't be able to lie to Sadie, she started to get pissed

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"Now, why do you care so much, Sadie? You and Jake barely interact." Hailey responded to Sadie.

"Just because I don't interact with Jake that much doesn't mean I don't care about him, Austin. I consider him a friend." Sadie made her point, still wanting to know why Hailey would want to see Jake suffer. Hailey smirked at Sadie's response.

"You know, Sadie..I don't believe that you see him as just a friend. You're in love with him, aren't you?" Sadie's eyes widen, genuinely surprised on how Hailey would know such information. Sadie doesn't answer, she starts to get uncomfortable. "What makes you think your care for him will make him just fall head over heels for you? He likes your little friend, Daisy. You're just..a weird girl, Sadie. If you just ignore this, you'll get over him more quickly." Sadie is about to respond to the insults Hailey just gave her, but more students walked into the room, class is about to start.


Hailey was just chilling with Luke and Zander, until she noticed Jake and Daisy hugging, oh-! Sadie is there too.

Hailey was just chilling with Luke and Zander, until she noticed Jake and Daisy hugging, oh-! Sadie is there too

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Hailey analyzed Sadie, and remembered how insanely smart Sadie is. Hailey also remembered the fact she can just blackmail Sadie.

"Perfect." Hailey thought.


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Traitor Hailey AU by me
The Music Freaks by RosyClozy

note: this is more pictures than writing im so sorry also one sided jadie lets gooo

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