EX CHAPTER 5: Hello world

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(??? Pov)
So it's been 200 years ever since that time now ...

The peace that once spread throughout the world is now replaced with another new conflict, well it can't be helped though

As long as civilization continue to grow, conflict will alway there, for only through conflict that civilization can hold a mean to keep on moving forward

But sometimes that conflict can also ended up sending everything back to nothing as well

Right now there are those who chase after what they call a 'game of destiny' and try to become the 'ultimate megaman' in which that person will reset the entire world and become it new king of it

Hmph ... How loathsome, to think the very proudly title that both of them once held is now being tainted like this

Of course, as long as someone try to make a mess to the world, there's alway someone that dare to stand against it, and both of them have done it

Vent and aile ... Despite you two were so young, it make me glad that you two dare to take a step against those who want to harm your life, but well they're young after all so sometimes they will make mistake too, but that wouldn't stop them at all, i mean they're done really good destroyed that man Serpent

Their bravery, they stubbornness, it really remind me about them ...
I miss them ....

If i knew vile was prepared to lock them up and drop dead all of them together, i would have stopped it, but ....

I'm sorry ...

I really want to say it to you but ... There's no point anymore ...

???: If you want to meet them then i can help array a meeting

Huh? Wait! Who are you?! And how did you-

???: Whoa whoa whoa patient there, I'm not your enemy and Who am i is not important, like i said you wish to see they right?

... how did you know what i want?

???: Well about that, you're pretty much say it all out loud so can't blame me for hearing it, my question still remain

... Yes but you know where they are?

???: Of course i am, i was the one sent them to a different world in request of lady croire after all

Croire- wait different world?

???: Her wish is give her father the happiness that he deserved after all, while this might piss you off but as long as he still live on this world he will continue to suffer for as long as he live

... I can't denied that though, i mean he do have suffered almost all his lifetime, but that doesn't matter right now, i want to see them so can you?

???: Of course, on two condition though

Two condition?

???: One, don't mess his life too much over there, all right, he have done really hard work for it and he definitely don't want someone ruin it all and second unlike this world everyone and i mean all can see you there so make sure to not bring too much attention

Oh ... Will note

???: Alright (making a dimensions rift) please go in here Miss mytyl, they're waiting for you

Alright, but how long will i be there anyway?

???: Well consider it's been 200 years since that time, i believe a month is enough for this time and if you're worry about your job then no need to, i already know enough information about cyberspace to make sure everything will be in check when you're back

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