Chapter 15

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Sophia's pov:

Yesterday was great, I really like Myles. But I love Cam and the same time. Ugh this is what I hate about boys. Today I was hanging out with Cameron, I want to break up with him for Myles but I can't do that, Cameron would be heart broken. But I don't want to be with Cameron I want to be with Myles.


"Hey Em." I say and I walk into her room.

"Hey girl, how was your day with Myles yesterday." She asks

"It was amazing," I smile. "I think I like him" I whisper.

"SOPHIA what about Cam?" Ugh I knew this would happen.

"I know I know." I looked down.

"We'll break up with him, be with Myles. Don't be stuck with some one you don't want to be with"

"I know, thank you." I smile and walk out the room.

Emily's pov:

It's been really awkward with Matt now. I've been trying to ignore him but he always shows up.


I get a text message from digifest.

Hello Emily and Sophia, we are inventing you and the boys to digifest for next week. Hope you can be there! There will be many people to be excited to meet you guys!! Thank you!!

Oh yes! I can't wait!

"Guys guess what!!"I scream.

"What?" The boys say.

"We're going to Digifest!!." I smile and the all smile and scream.

Cameron pov:

*a week later*

Today is digi , I can't wait to meet all the fans. This is going to be so fun!!

We have an hour drive to get there. Digi sent us a limo to ride in to get there. I sit next to Sophia and Jack j.

The are ride was so much fun, we played lots of games and hand so much fun.

Once we got there we still had two more hours till we can meet the lovely fans. An interviewer came and interviewed us two a time.

"Ok Cameron and Sophia your turn." Carter and Taylor say.

"Hey, I'm here with Cameron and Sophia."

"Hey." I say and Sophia waves at the camera.

"So you two are dating right." I nod.

"That's right, you two are a very cute couple. You guys are very sweet to your fans, do you get any hate."

"Thank you, and yes but the doesn't bother me, Cameron and very sweet guy. I love him so much." Sophia smiles .

"Yes, I always tell Sophia don't listen to them. She mine and if they haters don't like that, then they can shut up. Like who had the right to hate on this beautiful girl." I smile.

"Aw love you cam." She smiles.

"You two are so nice. My otp hahah." The guys laughs.

Emily's pov:

Sophia and Cam come out smiling after there interview.

"Uh Emily its you and Matt right now." Cam says.

"Oh fuck no, uh uh I have to go to the bathroom." I say

I go to the bathroom trying to hide.

"Emily." I here someone open the door.

It was Matthew, of course.

I come out of the bathroom.

"Let's just get it over with, come on." Matt says.


We walk to the room and the guy starts asking us questions.

"So what's going on with your guys relationship?"The guy asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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