Sophia's pov:
After the movie I go to my room. When I pass by my room I see Emily and Matt watching Netflix.
"Are you guys ok now?" I ask.
"Umm." Matt says.
"Anyways we're going out to dinner you wanna come." I say .
"Yeah." Matt says and Emily nods.
After that I go to my room and get my purse and head downstairs.
"Sophiaaaa." Cameron says calling my name.
"Yes." I smile.
"We should stay here and order pizza just me and you." Cam says.
"You don't wanna go with them?" I ask.
"No just with you." He winks.
"Okk fine." I smile
Emily's pov:
"Come on Emily we leaving." Taylor yells.
"Ok one sec." I say grabbing my purse and running down stairs.
Cameron's pov:
After everyone leaves me and Sophia just sit and watch tv.I lean and kiss her. She kisses back.
"Soph-uh." I moan and she puts her hand in my hair.
"I love you." I smile after we finish.
"Love you more babe." She smiles back.
We continue watching tv in till they come back home.
"We're home!" Emily shouts.
"Shut the fuck up."Sophia shouts back.
"You left some marks on her neck." Emily whispers and winks.
"Shit." I laugh.
"What?" Sophia says.
"Oh nothing." Emily laughs and runs upstairs.
Matts pov:
When we get home I put shorts and take off my shirt and go outside.
I call the girl that I was dating, the one that Emily got pissed at me because she saw her Instagram.
Ring ring
"Hello." She says.
"Hey Ashley, look there is this girl o have been dating,"
"Uh." She says.
"Let me finish, I love her, I really do I feel sparks with her. I know your mad but I love Emily, and I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to break up with you." I say
"Ok bye matt." She says and hangs up. Then I hear the door open.
"Emily." I say and turn around.
"I heard everything," she says.
"I'm sorry."
"No, that was so sweet Matt. I love you too." She says and hugs me.
"So we are back together." I smile.
"Yes." She says and I kiss her.
After that we go upstairs and fall asleep.
Jack Johnsons pov:
Everyone was sleeping and I couldn't go to sleep so I went downstairs and
Started watching tv.After a while Sophia comes downstairs on her phone.
"What are doing up." I laugh.
"I can't go to sleep." Sophia smiles.
"Come watch tv with me." I pat on the couch telling her to come sit there.
"Yeah johnson."
"I like you."

RandomEmily and Sophia are close friends that make vines. One day they get invited to DIGITOUR with a bunch of viners. Will they fall in love? Or will they be heart broken?