Chapter 13

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Sophia's pov:

Myles starts driving to the hospital and we talk. He's so nice and very attractive , but cams my boyfriend and Myles will never feel the same.

We arrive to the hospital and take a seat.

"Sophia." The lady calls.

Myles helps me up and takes me to the room that the lady we taking us.

"We are gonna take a X-Ray." The lady says placing my foot on the table for my x-Ray. After she takes it we wait it the waiting room for the results.

Emily's pov:

"So can you tell me what's wrong, let's ditch that bonfire and just talk." Jack says.

"Ok," I smile "well when we went to the mall Matt cheated on me, I went to look for him and I saw him kissing this girl then she gave him her number." I say trying not to cry.

"Aw em." Jack hugs me.

"UM WHAT THE FUCK." I turn around and see Matthew.

"First of all why are guys walking alone and Emily why are you crying AND WHY ARE YOU HUGGING HER!" Matt basically screams.

"First of all why do you care and why are you following us." I say.

"Excuse me, what your problem."

"My problem is that you cheat on me with a girl and it's not the first time Matt!" I say and run away crying.

"Emily come back." Gilinsky says.

Myles pov:

"Ok one of her bones are cracked so she has to keep this on her foot for a month." The nurse says.

After we were all done I take Sophia to the car.

"I'm so sorry Sophia this was all my fault." I say while driving.

"It's fine Myles honestly it's ok it's only a month." She smiles

"Your too sweet, I have to make up for this, how about we hang out tomorrow it's a surprise." I smile.

"Ok." Sophia smiles

Dang she is beautiful I know I just meet her but I knew her from vine and she was just perfect, but of course she will never be mine because of Cameron.

We go back to Sophia's house and chill and eat.

The bonfire was great I can't wait for tomorrow.

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