[39] Sending a message

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As we entered the black market, dressed in our new attire, the atmosphere shifted noticeably. People stopped their bartering and haggling to gawk at us, their eyes wide and mouths agape.

Street vendors who were previously trying to push their wares onto reluctant customers paused and gazed at us as we passed by. Whispers quickly spread throughout the crowd, as curiosity piqued. The usual buzz of the market gave way to murmurs and hushed conversations. Some pointed, their fingers subtly indicating our direction.

Even the hardened criminals and mercenaries, the usual patrons of the black market, eyed us warily. We could feel their calculating gazes assessing us, trying to determine whether we were a threat or an opportunity.

Sera walked with a sense of discomfort, her usual bravado giving way to apprehension. She kept a hand on the hilt of her dagger, her eyes flicking to every person who dared to look our way.

Lila, on the other hand, seemed to shrink slightly. She stayed close to me, her grip on the hem of her new dress tightening whenever someone stared at us for too long.

Despite the mixed reactions of the crowd, we maintained our pace, walking confidently towards the underground auction house. The glimmering neon sign of the auction house grew brighter as we approached, the crowd parting to let us through. The closer we got, the quieter the market became, the whispers growing more intense. All eyes were on us, and it was exactly what we needed.

I then approached the underground auction house, the auctioneer approached me and bowed.

"Good day, sir. How may I assist you today?" The auctioneer, a thin man with graying hair and an opulent suit, greeted me with a courteous bow.

"We're interested in purchasing the Star of Veldrian." I stated, straight to the point.

A slight hitch in his smile betrayed his surprise. "I apologize, sir, but we currently do not have the Star of Veldrian in our possession," he informed me with a regretful shake of his head.

"Is that so?" I said, feigning disappointment. "Well then, we have no business here. Thank you for your time."

With that, we turned to leave, making our exit as dramatic as our entrance. The whispers behind us grew louder as we left the auction house, curiosity, confusion, and anticipation thick in the air.

We then made out way to the open-air market of the black market, I stopped at the center, then with a deep breath, I steeled myself, allowing my voice to rise above the cacophony.

"I, Zahare Decor, offer 10 million gold to whoever can sell me the Star of Veldrian!" I declared, the weight of my words silencing the entire marketplace. My voice reverberated around us, my announcement instantly capturing the attention of everyone within earshot.

For a moment, a hush fell over the crowd, heads swiveling in our direction, eyes wide with shock and greed. My proclamation had certainly made the impact I had intended. Whispers broke out, replacing the stunned silence. The news would surely ripple through the black market and beyond, reaching the ears of our elusive thief.

Feeling satisfied, I turned my back to the stunned crowd, a confident stride in my step. I gestured subtly for Sera and Lila to follow me. Without a second glance, we navigated our way out of the market, leaving a trail of startled whispers and astounded faces in our wake. The game was truly afoot now.

Q: What do you think they are trying to do?

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