[56] Guessing my true identity

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Returning to the presidential suite, we all found ourselves lounging on the large, plush bed. It seemed an extravagant waste of space for just the five of us, but I suppose that was the appeal of a suite like this. A moment of relative peace hung in the air, a stark contrast to the adventure we had earlier.

"So first, we had Chang, the noob, and now Zahare Decor, the rich guy," Sera snorted, crossing her arms over her chest. She shot me a sidelong glance, her lips curled in a slight smirk, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous spark. "What's gonna be your next fake identity? A prince? A god? Or maybe an all-powerful demon king, huh?"

Her words were coated in a layer of sass, her eyebrows raised as if challenging me to meet her banter. But despite the sarcastic tone, there was a playful glint in her eyes. That was Sera, always ready with a quip or jibe, her sharp tongue hidden beneath a tsundere facade.

"Oh, aren't you just full of suggestions," I teased back, meeting her smirk with a grin of my own. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I think I've had enough role-playing for one day."

The rest of our party chuckled, a soft moment of camaraderie blossoming between us. Even though Sera's demeanor was abrasive at times, moments like this reminded me of the close-knit bond we all shared.

Just then, the sound of soft padding against the carpeted floor caught our attention. Emerging from the adjoining bathroom was Aurelia, shrouded in nothing more than the wisps of steam curling around her. Her silken hair, wet from the bath, fell across her shoulders and strategically down her front, serving as the barest veil. Her skin glowed under the warm lighting of the suite, highlighting the soft curve of her hips, the slender line of her waist, and the strength of her bare shoulders. Her figure was nothing short of breathtaking; all graceful lines and feminine allure, a blend of sinuous power and natural elegance.

Lila, being the most conservative of us, blushed fiercely at the sight, her gaze darting away. "Lady Aurelia," she protested, her voice a stuttered whisper. "Please...dress yourself..."

I, on the other hand, remained unfazed by her near-nudity. I wouldn't deny that she was attractive. But I didn't find myself particularly moved, as I had my fair share of pretty girls in the past.

"Come to admire my body, human?" Aurelia shot me a smug look, an impish grin tugging at her lips. The azure gleam in her eyes seemed to dance with her teasing words, challenging, provocative.

"Well," I replied, a dry chuckle escaping my lips. "I won't deny that you're quite the sight, Aurelia. But you are not the only one now."

The provocative grin on Aurelia's face faltered for a moment at my words, quickly replaced by a slightly more peeved expression.

"Is that so?" She tilted her head, her eyes narrowing slightly. The light from the fire in the room cast an alluring glow on her. "So, the lowly human who has tamed me, Chang, fancies himself a ladies' man?"

She crossed her arms under her chest, her golden horns catching the light. "Tell me, Chang, were any of these 'pretty ladies' dragons? Or are they all weak, fragile human women?" Her words dripped with arrogance and provocation. She was testing me, I knew. A dragon's pride could be a lethal weapon, if aimed correctly. I could play along. After all, a bit of banter never hurt anyone.

"Well, Aurelia, you're my first dragon," I said nonchalantly. "I can't compare you to anyone else, because you're in a league of your own." There was no lie in my words. She was, indeed, the first dragon I'd ever been this close to. Whether that was a good thing or not was yet to be seen.

And, for a brief moment, I thought I saw a slight flush on Aurelia's blue cheeks. But it could just have been the light.

"Alright, I ma sleep now." I said, as I made myself comfortable in the middle of the bed, the girls all responded in their unique ways.

Sera, as usual, made a show of her annoyance. "You always claim the middle, you know. It's quite selfish of you," she huffed, a typical tsundere response. But she quickly clambered onto the bed, settling on my right side.

Lila, always quiet and subdued, gave me a small, almost shy smile. "Good night, Master Chang." she softly said before positioning herself on my left side. Her warm, gentle demeanor was a stark contrast to Sera's fiery one.

Kuroko, with her adventurous spirit, climbed onto the bed with a sly grin, not at all bothered by the close quarters. "Not gonna let a good bed go to waste!" She winked, taking a spot next to Sera.

Aurelia, however, stood by the bed, her arms crossed over her chest and her golden eyes staring down at me with suspicion. She seemed to contemplate the situation for a few seconds before finally scoffing, "How humanly vulgar." Despite her words, she sat down at the edge of the bed, her back to me.

It was clear that Aurelia wasn't used to this sort of arrangement. Her discomfort was quite visible, but she made no move to leave. After all, where else was a dragon disguised as a beastkin supposed to sleep in a city full of humans?

"Good night, ladies," I said, a faint chuckle escaping my lips as I closed my eyes.

Q: Have you ever used a fake identity before?

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