[73] Pit boss

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As the morning light broke over Roma, we found ourselves making our way towards the sign-up venue. Aurelia stood tall, shedding her previous disguise and letting her azure flames radiate freely around her. The crowd of adventurers parting respectfully as she moved to the Pro registration line, whispers of awe and admiration floating in the air. I followed behind her, but instead of the same respect they showed Aurelia, all I got was a face that said: Why are you here?

On the other hand, Sera and Kuroko maintained a lower profile. They joined the queues for the non-Pro leagues, each of us selecting a different arena.

The lines moved slowly for them as each contender went through the registration process, hours passing like molasses. We watched as competitors of all shapes, sizes, and races were checked, approved, and sent on their way.

When I looked back to my own line again, it was my turn. As I approached the registration desk, a mixture of adrenaline and anticipation surged through my veins.

"Stand still for us to verify your status." the elf clerk looked at me through a large size crystal orb. A moment later she said:

"Approved. Please head to arena 7."

"Thank you." I said.

And just like that, I made my way towards arena 7.


Inside the arena, the audience stand was half packed filled with people. At the center of the arena was a massive sandpit and on the other end was my opponent.

The Pit Boss, a man of impressive stature with visible aura radiating S tier energy, looked me over, a smirk playing on his rugged features.

"Well, well," he boomed, his voice carrying through the air with ease. "You don't look S rank to me, tell me, lad, are you lost? Or was there a malfunction with the crystal orb?"

The crowd around us erupted in laughter, their mocking voices ricocheting off the colosseum walls, but I stood unmoved. The Pit Boss, his smirk now widening into a full grin, continued his taunts. "I hope you didn't leave your mommy too worried. These games are not for the faint of heart or the weak of skill."

Despite the derisive laughter echoing around me, I kept my composure, letting his words roll off me like water on a duck's back. After all, mockery was only the first hurdle I had to overcome.

The Pit Boss, still basking in the crowd's laughter, offered a flamboyant bow. "The name's Brutus. Brutus the Basher, the reigning pit boss of the last six moons. And who, might I ask, is the brave soul challenging me today?"

Maintaining my composure, I met his eyes confidently and announced, "My name is Chang. And you'll soon realize that it's not wise to underestimate a challenger by their appearance."

A ripple of curiosity stirred through the spectators, their gazes flicking back and forth between Brutus and me. Brutus's smirk never faded, but there was a new spark in his eyes, a glint of intrigue that wasn't there before. "Chang, huh? Well, I can't say I've ever had the pleasure of fighting someone with such a name. This should be interesting." He leaned back, chuckling to himself as the crowd erupted into laughter once more.

Brutus, still wearing a confident smirk, didn't seem to register the change at first. He charged at me like a wild bull, with power and velocity that could be fatal to an unprepared opponent. His muscular body tensed as he closed the distance between us, his heavy boots pounding against the sandy arena floor and his eyes gleaming with anticipated victory. He raised his broadsword high above his head, preparing to bring it down in a crushing blow.

His broadsword sliced through the air with a deadly precision, the blade glinting in the fading sunlight as he struck time and time again. Each clash of our weapons sent echoes reverberating through the vast arena, punctuated by the breathless gasps and cheers of the crowd.

But he wasn't the only one putting on a show. I matched his every move with fluid agility, weaving around his attacks with a dancer's grace. Every now and then, I would flick my wrist and send a spell shooting towards him, forcing him to break his rhythm and dodge. His size and strength were an advantage, but they also made him slower, less adaptable.

Over and over, we locked blades, steel clashing against steel in a flurry of sparks. Our battle was a storm of motion, a dance of warriors under the reddening sky. With every passing moment, the crowd's cheers grew louder, their shouts mingling with the crash of our swords. As I parried one of Brutus' powerful downward strikes, I could feel the thrill of the battle course through my veins.

Circling around Brutus like a predator, I kept my eyes fixated on his movements, analyzing every swing, every charge, every pivot. My trained eyes noticed a consistent hitch in his swing, a small lag before he raised his sword for an overhead strike - his Achilles' heel.

With calculated precision, I waited for Brutus to make his move, the lag in his swing my cue to act. The next time he raised his sword for that overhead strike, I bolted forward with startling speed. The crowd gasped in surprise as I closed the gap, darting beneath the descending arc of Brutus' sword. My own weapon gleamed menacingly as I thrust it forward, driving it into Brutus' exposed side.

A cry of pain echoed throughout the coliseum as Brutus staggered back, clutching at his wounded side. His sword clattered to the ground, and his knees buckled underneath him. He crumbled onto the sand, his colossal form shaking the very foundation of the arena.

Chest heaving, Brutus turned his gaze toward me, his eyes reflecting a mix of pain and surprise. "Chang...I will remember that name..." he managed to grunt, his voice echoing hauntingly across the silent arena. With that, his eyes fluttered shut and his head lolled to the side, unconsciousness claiming him as the crowd erupted in a roaring cheer.


As we gathered under the faint starlight outside of the arena, the girls were nursing their battle-weary bodies while reflecting on their performances in the arena.

"I... I didn't make it." Sera admitted first, her gaze flickering downward with disappointment. The tsundere elf gritted her teeth, her hands clenching into fists. "I was so close, but that last hit... I just wasn't quick enough."

The feisty Kuroko was next, a triumphant smile curling on her lips, her eyes glittering with excitement. "Well, that was a close call, I must admit. Almost got caught off guard by that sly beast," she confessed, tossing her hair back with a playful shrug. "But, let's just say, he won't be forgetting the name 'Kuroko' anytime soon."

Aurelia, with her azure hair gleaming under the moonlight, offered a humble smile. Her fiery spirit was evident in her eyes, but she carried an air of modesty that contradicted her powerful aura. "It was not as challenging as I expected," she said, a soft laugh accompanying her words. "The pit boss was strong, but not as strong as the flame within me. I emerged victorious and left the arena early."

Their varied experiences painted a vivid picture of the thrilling battles that had taken place in the coliseum. Despite the challenges, their spirits were high, their determination unwavering. As the girls recollected their respective battles, the moon illuminated our circle, casting long shadows that danced in the soft glow of the evening.

Q: Have you watched any anime that has an arena arc?

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