[88] The 7th floor

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As we made our way through the entrance, we found ourselves standing on the threshold of a sprawling expanse of ancient ruins. The remnants of a once great civilization stretched as far as the eye could see. It was a city that had once teemed with life, now eerily quiet and foreboding, claimed by time and swallowed by the abyss.

The city was an amalgamation of toppled and crumbled buildings, grand structures in varying states of decay, their skeletal remains reaching out to the gloomy sky overhead. Streets that had once been filled with hustle and bustle were now covered in a thick layer of dust, untouched for centuries. The eerie stillness of the place was occasionally broken by the creaking of some precarious structure swaying in the underground wind.

Giant structures that were once grandeur towers loomed over us, their heights obscured by the darkness above. Vines and moss crawled over the stone surfaces, nature's reclaim on the forsaken city. Roads, once smooth and well-traveled, were now shattered, split by roots that twisted and wound their way through the concrete and stone.

And yet, amidst the desolation, there was an uncanny beauty. The remnants of intricate carvings on the buildings spoke of a culture rich in art and architecture. Statues, weathered but still bearing the proud poise of their original design, stood guard over the city, symbols of an era long gone.

The air was cool and damp, carrying the scent of musty earth and aged stone. The only light came from the luminescent fungi that thrived in this underground city, casting an eerie glow on the stone and reflecting off puddles on the ground.

Despite its state of ruin, there was an undeniable sense of grandeur and mystery to this city, a silent testament to the glory of a forgotten civilization. It was as if we'd stepped into another world, one that was ancient, ghostly, and hauntingly beautiful.

Shifting my gaze towards Lila, I began to adjust the mechanism on my wrist. There was a small, almost unnoticeable dial integrated into my gauntlet, almost hidden beneath the ornate designs etched into the metal. Taking a deep breath, I carefully turned the dial, a small shiver running down my spine as I felt the familiar hum of energy coursing through my veins.

The change was subtle, yet profound. A slight tingle in my fingertips developed into a warm sensation that spread through my limbs and to the very core of my body. It was as if a dormant power had been awakened within me, filling me with a renewed sense of strength and vitality. A soft glow emanated from the limiter, the energy within me now adjusted to match the danger of the S-tier level ahead.

I looked over at Lila, her eyes filled with both fear and trust. I nodded, silently promising that I would be her shield against whatever dangers we were to face. Moving closer, I positioned myself between her and the looming expanse of the ruined city, my body a living barrier ready to protect her at a moment's notice. I tightened my grip on my weapon, my senses sharp and alert, ready for the inevitable onslaught of S-tier creatures lurking in the depths of the forgotten city.

The first thing we noticed were the rattling sounds echoing through the ruined city, followed by a chilling sense of dread that pierced through the air. Then they appeared, stepping out from the shadows of the crumbled buildings and decaying structures, their forms emerging from all directions, completely encircling us. They were the elite undead guardians, a horrifying mix of death and lost souls forged into a terrifyingly powerful force.

Standing taller than an average human, they were armored in decayed remnants of what once were ornate suits of armors, now rusted and falling apart, revealing bits of skeletal remains underneath. Their eyes, hollow and devoid of any life, glowed with an eerie green light that cut through the gloom of the ruined city. In their skeletal hands, they clutched ancient weapons, swords and axes, all marred by time and use but still radiating with a lethal energy that hinted at their deadly potency.

Despite the decaying state of their forms, it was evident these beings possessed an unnatural strength and speed, a testament to their S-tier classification. Their presence alone was enough to fill the air with a deadly sense of foreboding, their undead nature sapping away the warmth and life from their surroundings, leaving only a chilling emptiness behind.

Reacting to the impending threat, we swiftly fell into our battle formation. Aurelia and Sera took the front, the Dragonborn's azure scales glistening under the dull light, her claws sharp and ready, while the Blood Mage's aura pulsed with power, her crimson magic swirling around her hands.

To the flanks, Kuroko was a barely discernible shadow, her nimble rogue's figure blended with the darkness of the ruined city. The glint of her twin daggers was the only sign of her existence, their blades sharp and deadly, waiting to slice through the ranks of our enemies.

In the middle of the formation, Lila stayed close to me, her face a mix of concentration and determination. Despite not being a frontline fighter, she was no less crucial to our group, her support and swift responses in crisis situations were vital to our survival.

And finally, as for myself, I stood guard over Lila, my body slightly angled towards her as an instinctual promise of protection. My sword hummed with energy as I adjusted my power limiter to S tier, ready to respond to any threat that dared to break our formation. The eeriness of the city was all the more palpable in the anticipation of the battle to come. We were ready, each of us standing our ground, waiting for the first move of our undead foes.

Q: Have you ever played an RPG game with undead monsters?

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