Little Extra: scary Moody

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Draco tried and failed to ignore the nerves thrumming through him as Moody hauled him along towards Snape's office.

"So, if you're such a hotshot wizard, why'd you hex him in the back, then?" asked Moody abruptly.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Your father always was a cowardly snake. You a coward, boy?"

"I don't see how it would have been better to hex him when he was looking at me. Professor."


Draco eyed Moody very warily. You heard stories about him. Especially if you had a father like Draco's father.

"I'm supposed to be your teacher," Moody said. "And right now all I see is weakness. You have any redeeming qualities, boy?"

What a strange question.

"...I suppose I'm rather loyal, sir."

The professor hmphed to himself.

"Well. I suppose I'll just have to work the jumpiness out of you. Teach you to fight people face to face."

Moody grinned horribly. Draco twitched, and tried to pull away.

"Can't use transfiguration. Don't worry - I'm sure I can come up with something else educational."

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